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See how to join the wave turn photos into drawing, discover the application that is a hit on social media.

The free app that turns photos into drawings gained strength around the world, famous people joined the wave of turn photos into drawing cute and funny at times.

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There are the most varied applications on the market, but today we are going to show you one that is the most famous and efficient among them.

The application Voilà Al Artist It is the most famous and best rated in the app stores.

A very complete and very easy to use application, you will feel very comfortable using this app, as there are no secrets, below we will teach you step-by-step how to turn photo into drawing.

The application is available in application stores, and can be downloaded for both android as for iOS (iPhone), and best of all, completely free.

The application has tools to turn photos into drawing, or also into caricatures, you can transform them into 2D or 3D animated cartoons, as well as realistic drawings.

You can choose the photo from your photo gallery, or you can also take a photo right away and start editing.

The edited photo can be saved on your cell phone, or it can also be shared on your social networks, or sent to your friends via WhatsApp.

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O Voilà Al Artist is the most downloaded app in the galleries and also the app with the most positive reviews, so the most recommended by users.

The application that has become a craze can now catch you, and know one thing, you won't want to stop, because it is very fun.

Not to mention that the quality of the images and the traces of reality is impressive.

Have you ever imagined having your face like those? Disney cartoons, or the Pixar? This application can provide it for you.

Celebrities have already fallen in love with the app and many have been making and posting their photos transformed into drawings on your social networks.

Aplicativo para Transformar fotos em desenho.
Application to transform photos into drawings.

We will now show you how to download the application.

To download it, it's very simple, you just need to have access to the internet, have a cell phone or tablet and follow the step-by-step instructions we'll show you.

In your app gallery, look for the app “Voilà Al Artist”, once you find it click on “To go down” or “To obtain”.

Once the application is fully loaded on your cell phone, open the app and start turn photos into drawing.

Select the design option you want, to stay just like Pixar movies, with very realistic drawings choose the option “3D Cartoon”.

Once you select the type of design you should go select the photo you want, or even take a picture at the same time.

After selecting the type of drawing and also the photo you want to transform, let's move on to the transformation.


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The application will start to transform as soon as you choose the format of the drawing and the photo, and after everything is selected the application itself will already give you will give 4 options of different figures.

In the “Menu” you can select several types of designs, then everything will depend on your taste and creativity.

After finishing your editing or keeping the original one that the application offered, in the upper right corner there is an option to save your transformed photo, click on “Save” to download on your cell phone.

Now if you want to post on your social networks, you can now to share using the same button, which will give the option to to save (SAVE) or to share (FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, WHATSAPP OR MAIL).

Now you will be able turn photos into drawing anytime and anywhere you want, and best of all, no photo limits.

Make the most of the app and have fun.

The application Voilà Al Artist is available in App stores PLAY STORE It is APPLE STORE.