News about the digital world

Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 RESULTS

Make your resume on the mobile with free applications

Discover the best applications to create your CV on your mobile for free to help you find a job. Currently, if you visit an application store, you will find a multitude of types to perform different functions, thanks to the advancement of technology...

Las mejores apps para trabajar con contabilidad

The best apps for working with accounting

It's often difficult to organize yourself when it comes to accounting. Furthermore, if you are venturing into the red or looking for peace of mind for your business or personal life. Many people have become accustomed to organizing their bills and expenses at the famous…

Edición de fotos - las mejores aplicaciones para hacer.

Photo editing – the best apps to do.

Apparently, today, taking photos has become a habit acquired by many. Check out the best photo editing apps. So, to achieve the best result, with beautiful and well-treated images, we have the option…

Si usted es hipertenso, conoce estas aplicaciones

If you are hypertensive, know these applications

We know that the number of applications for a hypertensive patient on the market is large. Because unfortunately the majority of people today suffer from hypertension or hypotension. Because from time to time we need applications for hypertensive patients,…

Descubre las mejores apps para editar fotos de bebés

Discover the best apps for editing baby photos

Check out the best apps to edit your baby's photos. With the ease of having a camera always in your palm, with the advance of your cell phones, it's inevitable not to want to record every moment. …

Descubre las mejores apps para crear fotomontajes

Discover the best apps to create photomontages

Check out apps to create photomontages of your moments with friends and family. With the ease of technology and cell phones with a camera, we take photographs of every moment we live. Furthermore, social networks are united with people and …

Usa un simulador de corte de cabello para cambiar el look

Use a haircut simulator to change the look

Haircut simulator: take a look at a few to try it out before making the final decision. Are you thinking about changing your look? Sometimes this task requires a lot of investigation and opinion. So, before that happens…

Las Mejores Apps para ver Películas y Series Online

The Best Apps to Watch Films and Series Online

Las películas y series han sido parte de nuestras vidas desde mucho antes de los servicios de transmisión que conocemos hoy.  Hace más de 50 años, las películas eran en blanco y negro y la gente iba al cine a …

Simulador de barba: Las mejores apps de barba y bigote

Beard simulator: The best beard and mustache apps

We show you how to use a beard simulator in your photos. Vanity is present in the lives of all people, whether men or women. Ultimately, we don't know exactly how we would achieve a new look, so...

Las mejores apps para medir la glucosa

The best apps to measure glucose

Do you know what glucose is and how it influences people's health? Glucose is a carbohydrate (sugar) of the monosaccharide type. It is one of the most important carbohydrates for our body, being a source of primary energy for…