News about the digital world

Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 RESULTS
Vagas de emprego nos EUA

Job vacancies in the USA

If you're looking for jobs in the USA, you've come to the right place, check out some options that can help you. Getting a job in the US can be a challenge, but with the right plan and a…


Apps that teach you how to sew

Learning to sew is no longer just a traditional skill but has become a digital artistic expression. In this text we will delve into a fascinating universe of learning, exploring applications that make sewing accessible to everyone, from beginners to experts. A …


Live NFL Stream

If you are also a sports fan and don't want to miss out on any championship match, here we teach you how to watch the NFL directly on your cell phone or on your television. With the growing popularity of the NFL (National Football League),…

Conoce la piscina más profunda del mundo.

Discover the deepest pool in the world.

Located in Dubai, the deepest pool in the world is called Deep Dive Dubai, and is 60 meters deep. Deep Dive Dubai is a deep butt pool located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It opened in July of…

Obras famosas que fueron destruidas accidentalmente.

Famous works accidentally destroyed.

Unfortunately, throughout history, famous works that were accidentally destroyed, see some examples below: Biblioteca de Alejandría The library of Alejandría, Egypt, was one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, with an esteemed collection...

Ciudades subterráneas de todo el mundo.

Underground cities around the world.

In this article, see a list of underground cities from around the world, some of which are publicly accessible. The underground cities are cities built beneath the surface of the earth, in caves, mines or …

Vea cuáles son las playas más famosas del mundo.

See which are the most famous beaches in the world.

If you are thinking about a precious beach to spend the holidays, in this post, discover which are the most famous beaches in the world. The beaches are coastal arena areas, rocks or records that are close to the sea, the ocean…

Los países más acogedores del mundo.

The most welcoming countries in the world.

If you are thinking about traveling, check out this post first which are the most welcoming countries in the world. There are many countries around the world that are known for their hospitality and human warmth, where travelers are from…

Los mejores lugares para visitar en el mundo.

The best places to visit in the world.

If you like traveling, you need to look at the ranking of the best places to visit in the world. According to the “Oscar” of travelers, US News & World Report ranked some of the best places to visit right now…