News about the digital world

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Aplicativos para personalizar carros através do celular

Applications to customize cars via cell phone

If you follow technological advances, we have something new: apps for customizing cars. Many people dream of reaching the age of majority to get their license and buy a car. The vast majority want to personalize their vehicle…

Melhores aplicativos para personalizar carros.

Best apps to customize cars.

If you're from the group that likes customizing cars, you'll like this text. If you're from the group that likes customizing cars, you'll like this text. Cars are not just a means of transport, for most…

Como fazer uma reclamação na Uber após a corrida.

How to file a complaint with Uber after the ride.

Took an Uber and didn't like something? Like customer service, a dirty car, or something you didn't like, see how to file a complaint with Uber. In the not-so-distant past, taxis dominated cities. In busier locations, we can identify…