News about the digital world

Showing: 41 - 50 of 67 RESULTS
Aprenda a colocar foto de fundo nos stories do Instagram

Learn how to add a background photo to Instagram stories

If you want to change the background of the image you are in or create a fun photo, you can add a background photo to Instagram stories. Currently, it is common for us to share photos on our social networks, whether via stories or feed. …

Aplicativos para personalizar carros através do celular

Applications to customize cars via cell phone

If you follow technological advances, we have something new: apps for customizing cars. Many people dream of reaching the age of majority to get their license and buy a car. The vast majority want to personalize their vehicle…

Aprenda a transformar fotos em caricaturas online

Learn how to turn photos into caricatures online

If you like fun photos, we'll teach you how to turn your photos into online caricatures. The practice of publishing photos on social media is increasingly popular among users, whether via stories or in the feed. Further …

Alimentação saudável? Veja os apps de receitas fitness

Healthy eating? See fitness recipe apps

If you want to have a healthy diet but don't know how to start, we'll help you. Sometimes, due to the rush of everyday life, we end up opting for a fast diet instead of a healthy one. In other words, options…

Melhores aplicativos para personalizar carros.

Best apps to customize cars.

If you're from the group that likes customizing cars, you'll like this text. If you're from the group that likes customizing cars, you'll like this text. Cars are not just a means of transport, for most…

Quer saber como será a aparência de seu filho?

Want to know what your child will look like?

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy and want to know what your child will look like, some apps will help you. Most couples who want to get pregnant wonder who their child will look like and what...

Como será a aparência de seu filho? Veja os apps

What will your child look like? See the apps

Have you ever wondered what your child will look like? The desire to have a child is shared by many couples around the world, from planning the pregnancy to the moment the baby is born. This way, parents always…

Como duplicar fotos e criar clones

How to duplicate photos and create clones

Atualmente temos tantas redes sociais para postarmos nossas fotos que a cada dia, novas ideias e atualizações são criadas, até mesmo duplicar fotos e criar clones. Com certeza, você já deve ter visto fotos em que uma pessoa aparece diversas …