News about the digital world

Showing: 51 - 60 of 64 RESULTS
Frases para colocar na bio do Instagram

Phrases to put in your Instagram bio

Instagram is currently one of the most used social networks by people, whether for commercial or personal profiles. Through the social network, you can publish photos of moments, videos, live streams, post stories and also promote your work. Have one …

Colocar imagem no fundo do Google Meet

Put image in the background of Google Meet

Devido ao isolamento social, muitas empresas estão realizando reuniões de forma online, e usando o Google Meet, as vezes o local não ajuda, sendo assim, veja como colocar fundo no Google Meet. E um grande aliado dessas reuniões é o …

Esconder conversas no WhatsApp.

Find out how you can hide WhatsApp conversations

There is no denying that WhatsApp is the most used chat messenger among people, and sometimes we want to hide a message, so we are going to teach you how to hide conversations. In addition to facilitating communication and exchanging messages…

Aplicativo para rastrear filhos pelo celular.

Application to track children via cell phone.

With the virtual world increasingly on the rise, parents' concerns about their children are also growing, and with this in mind, see how to track children on their cell phones. And for that, an application where you can track your children is…

Aplicativo que ajuda a controlar a glicemia - Diabetes

Application that helps control blood sugar – Diabetes

A diabetes é uma doença que requer uma série de cuidados e atenção por parte das pessoas que possuem essa condição. E para ajudar a controlar a glicemia, uma ferramenta que tem se mostrado útil é um aplicativo para diabetes. …

Quer saber com qual famoso você se parece? Veja esse App

Want to know which famous person you look like? See this App

Alguém já te falou que você se parece com algum famoso? Ou você mesmo tem curiosidade de saber se lembra alguma celebridade?  Conheça o app Gradient Photo Editor, que torna possível essa ação. O aplicativo se tornou um fenômeno de …

Aplicativo de receita fitness para ajudar na dieta

Fitness recipe app to help with your diet

Having a healthy diet is essential for the proper functioning of the body, we will show you the fitness recipe app. And, nowadays, concern about food is increasingly highlighted in the world. Healthy eating…

Aplicativos para falar Inglês.

Discover the app that teaches you to speak English

The English language is the most well-known language in the world and is considered the universal language, how about learning to speak English. English is used all over the world, at official events, shows and sports. Wherever you walk, there is…

Aplicativos para duplicar fotos e criar clones

Applications to duplicate photos and create clones

Have you ever come across an image where the person in the photo was cloned and wondered how to do this in your own photos? we will help you, see apps to duplicate photos. Know that this is possible through…