News about the digital world

Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 RESULTS
Restituição do Imposto de renda, saiba como usar.

Income tax refund, find out how to use it.

Here we will explain whether or not it is worth making an income tax refund. At first glance, many people don't know how it works. Therefore, they do not understand exactly whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage to use it. Being that …

Como conseguir Implante dentário pelo SUS

How to get a dental implant through SUS

Did you know that today you can request a dental implant directly through the SUS, without having to worry about the high cost of the implant. Currently, the desire of the vast majority of the population is to have healthy teeth and a perfect smile. However, the…

Como fazer seu cadastro no Conecte SUS Cidadão

How to register with Conecte SUS Cidadão

If you still don't know what Conecte SUS Cidadão is and how you can use this benefit, we'll explain it to you. Conecte SUS Cidadão is the official application of the Ministry of Health. In other words, the app is the …

Saiba como conseguir amostra grátis de perfumes

Find out how to get a free perfume sample

If you are passionate about perfumes, you will be happy to know that it is possible to win free perfume samples. Imagine what a dream it is to have all the best perfume brands at home and without paying anything for it! This is possible through…

fatura de luz

Check your electricity bill on your cell phone

Today we are going to teach you how to check your electricity bill directly on your cell phone and for free. As we already know, the use of technology has facilitated and brought major changes to our daily lives. Helping us with routine activities and streamlining…

Aprenda como criar loja online.

Learn how to create an online store.

Create an online store, we know that currently, the internet has become one of the most important tools for countless occasions and online sales websites. Including Disclosure, including clothing, shoes, food, etc. At first glance, have you ever thought about creating your…

Como conseguir amostra grátis de fraldas.

How to get a free diaper sample.

Having a child is certainly a moment of great joy and emotion for the couple who dream and plan this moment, but with the high price of diapers, there is nothing better than getting a free sample of diapers. However, one of the biggest…

Veja como conseguir lanche grátis no Burger King

See how to get a free snack at Burger King

It's normal to have that urge to eat a snack on Saturday night or even during the week, right? See how to get a free snack at Burger King. Fast food stores make this part much easier, having the option to…

Saiba como é possível emitir o CPF digital pela internet

Find out how you can issue your digital CPF online

The CPF is one of the most essential documents for Brazilian citizens, so we will teach you how to issue the digital CPF over the internet. CPF is nothing more than the registration of an individual, where each person is identified...

Veja como é possível recuperar sua CNH pela internet

See how you can recover your driver's license online

Have you had your driver's license revoked, or lost it due to too many points? See how to recover your driver's license online. Drivers who commit traffic violations have their right to drive suspended if they earn 20 points on their driver's license during the period of …