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Travel in Seniors for free

See the advantages of Traveling in Seniors for free: Benefits for Health and Well-Being. Traveling is one of the best things in life, isn't it? And for the elderly, it can be even more special with the benefits offered by…

fatura de luz

Check your electricity bill on your cell phone

Today we are going to teach you how to check your electricity bill directly on your cell phone and for free. As we already know, the use of technology has facilitated and brought major changes to our daily lives. Helping us with routine activities and streamlining…

New rules for income tax in 2023 are established.

Consult the new rules and tax information on income for 2023. Remembering that the period for sending it starts on March 15th. Who must declare the citizen who lives in Brazil, who receives unaffordable income greater than…

Programa Vale Gás: quem terá acesso ao benefício?

Vale Gás Program for the State of São Paulo

Discover the Vale Gás SP program, the program that is available and that will benefit you with 3 installments of R$ 100.00. At the beginning of June, the Government of the State of São Paulo, through Governor João Dória, announced…