News about the digital world

Showing: 21 - 26 of 26 RESULTS
Información sobre OVNI encontrado en EUA.

Information about UFO found in the USA.

What information do we have about the UFO found in the USA?, check out this publication for the latest updates. Last weekend, three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were crashed while roaming the sky in Canada and …

Ciclón Gabrielle en Nueva Zelanda.

Cyclon Gabrielle in New Zealand.

Flooding homes and leaving 250,000 people without access to electricity, the Gabrielle cycle in New Zealand spread and caused damage. Destroying roads, the North Island in the state of Nueva Zelanda declared the planet(14) a state of emergency. …

Gravedad del terremoto que azotó Turquía y Siria.

Severity of the earthquake that ignited Turkey and Syria.

In this post we will understand the severity of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria, and devastated a large part of the region in the last few days. A set of factors involved in the degree of destruction and lethality of the 7.8 earthquake…

Controversy involving McGregor.

Here, at a moment another new controversy arises that involves McGregor who has been in the news before. The Irish luchador is always a personaje on controversial topics, both for the game of scams before …

La rana gigante se encuentra en Australia.

The giant frog is located in Australia.

In Sydney, Australia, a giant frog was located, a brown and warty species, as long as a human arm. Intruder in a coastal park, the park rangers found, removed and then sacrificed a frog that weighed 2.7 kilos. Known as…

Frío: La ciudad china alcanza los -53ºC.

Cold: The Chinese city reaches -53ºC.

Firstly, recording the lowest temperature in its history since 1969, the Chinese city reaches -53ºC. Mohe is a city that is located in the extreme north of the Asian country, located in the province of Heilongjiang …