News about the digital world

Showing: 21 - 30 of 30 RESULTS
Curiosidades sobre a Bíblia Sagrada.

Curiosities about the Holy Bible.

See some curiosities about the Holy Bible, being a collection of sacred books from Jewish and Christian religions. Its origin goes back many centuries ago. The oldest books are found in the Old Testament...

Historia de la Biblia.

History of the Bible.

The most read book in the world, it is a collection of religious texts that are considered sacred and have the History of the Bible. The number of people who read the Bible varies widely throughout the world and depends on…

¿Se automatizarán las tareas domésticas

Will domestic tasks be automated?

Will domestic tasks be automated in the next decade? Yes, it is possible that household tasks will become automatic in the near future. As we know, technology is part of our everyday life, and with several factors it would not be…

Alimentos ultraprocessados son perjudiciales-Confira

Ultra-processed foods are harmful - Check out

See how ultra-processed foods are harmful to health, killing 57,000 people every year in Brazil. According to a study from the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), this number of deaths …

El túnel secreto se encuentra en la pirámide de Giza.

The secret tunnel is located in the pyramid of Giza.

Researchers declared that July (02) found that the secret tunnel is located in the pyramid of Giza. In the hub there are records of a significant tunnel discovered within the Gran Pyramid of Giza recently. However, this journey is…

¿Hay un asiento más seguro en el avión?

Is there a safer seat on the plane?

First, there are different opinions about whether there is a safer seat in an airplane, or if that is just a rumor. However, according to several sources, including the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States (FAA), the Organization of …

Ciudades subterráneas de todo el mundo.

Underground cities around the world.

In this article, see a list of underground cities from around the world, some of which are publicly accessible. The underground cities are cities built beneath the surface of the earth, in caves, mines or …

Lista de los coches más caros del mundo.

List of the most expensive cars in the world.

If you like luxury cars, take a look at the list of the most expensive cars in the world and the lucky few who have them in your garage. There are certainly many luxurious and expensive cars in the world, but…

ChatGTP- Algunas profesiones donde la IA ya se utiliza.

ChatGTP- Some professionals where AI is used.

Echa un vistazo a algunas de las muchas profesiones en las que la IA ya se utiliza en el día a día de muchos profesionales, ChatGTP. Entre ellos, encontramos comercializadores, profesores, abogados y agentes inmobiliarios entre muchos otros. El impacto …

La rana gigante se encuentra en Australia.

The giant frog is located in Australia.

In Sydney, Australia, a giant frog was located, a brown and warty species, as long as a human arm. Intruder in a coastal park, the park rangers found, removed and then sacrificed a frog that weighed 2.7 kilos. Known as…