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Did you know that today you can request a Dental implant directly through the SUS, without having to worry about the high cost of the Implant.

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Currently, the desire of the vast majority of the population is to have healthy teeth it is a perfect smile.

However, access to private treatments is not available to everyone, as values practiced in clinics are tall for a large part of population.

However, the oral health is something that must be taken into account and treated as one of priorities of people.

According to studies, a person who has recovered teeth, in addition to improving the quality of life, also increases the self esteem, improving the relationship at work and in social interaction.

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After all, the smile It's ours business card, How they say.    

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With this in mind, there are free treatments offered by Unified Health System (SUS).

One of them is the Dental implant, with him, you can have what you dreamed of perfect smile, in addition to, of course, having a healthy oral health It is cared for.

After all, a mouth healthy allows ease of speaking, one good nutrition It is greater security day to day.

Launched in Brazil in 2003, by Ministry of Health, the program Smiling Brazil he has assisted part of population in the search for perfect and healthy smile.

These services can be found in Family Health Units (USF), Health Posts, Mobile Dental Units (UOM), Dental Specialty Centers (CEO) It is hospitals.

In addition to these services, the Smiling Brazil also counts in its program, with Regional Dental Prosthesis Laboratories (LRPD), who are responsible for the laboratory preparation of dental prosthetics, serving as support for USF, UOM and CEO.

Furthermore, the project also carries out actions in schools, such as campaigns prevention It is recovery.

Among the services you can receive free for the Smiling Brazil, they are:

  • Dental implants
  • Free dental braces
  • Biopsies
  • Surgeries
  • Restorations
  • Extractions
Implante dentário pelo SUS.
Dental implant through SUS.
  • Cleaning
  • Oral exams to detect oral cancer, infections or other diseases
  • Fluoride application
  • Wisdom removal
  • Cavity treatment

How can I access dental implants through SUS?

For being a SUS program, the same is available to any Brazilian. However, the citizens in low income has preference in the treatment queue. Firstly, you need access the website of Smiling Brazil through the link and check if your city has the Dental implant available.

If it is released in your city, you must attend until the health Center more next of your residence and request the Dental implant.

Remember to take the SUS card, he is fundamental for this service.

After requesting, you will need to fill out a register at the own health center It is to schedule to the first consultations through the program.

We remember that, as this is a free service, it may take longer to be called

After confirmed It is scheduled your query, just prepare for accomplish so dreamed dental implant and return to smile again without fear.

O SUS copper any dental treatment through Brazil Smiling programSo, no more excuses for not having one oral health in day.

Just if register It is wait your turn.