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Make one free online English course It's one of those opportunities that you can't pass up.

100 thousand+

It's like winning the communication lottery!

First, English is like global language, everyone is talking about it, so mastering it opens doors to a lot of cool things.

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Do you want to travel the world? Have a cool job? Communicate with people from different cultures? Bingo! English is the key!

And the best part is that nowadays there are so many options for free online course It's hard to find an excuse not to start, right?

In this sense, you can find videos on YouTube, cell phone apps, specialized websites… just choose what works best for you and dive right in.

And you don't have to worry about spending a lot of money, right?

Savings are always welcome!

Furthermore, learning English is a super boost to your self-confidence.

Just imagine, being able to watch films and series without subtitles, understand those songs you love, or even be able to talk to a foreigner without getting lost?

It's a feeling of "I achieved" which is priceless!

Oh, and we can't forget that being fluent in English can be a huge differentiator in the job market.

Many companies value employees who master the language, so it’s an investment in your professional future too.

In short, make a free english courseIt's like a gift you give yourself.

It's fun, personal and professional growth, all wrapped up in one thing.

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100 thousand+

So, let's go, my friend, because learning English is just an advantage!

ABA English

Take an English course with ABA English It's a smart move.

They have a teaching method that is entirely based on practice, you know?

You learn in a super natural way, as if you were immersed in the language.

And the cool thing is that you can do everything from the comfort of your home, whenever you want.

Without that pressure of fixed schedules.

And it has content for everyone, from beginners even the most advanced.

Curso de inglês online e grátis.
Free online English course.

Oh, and I can't forget that they have a mobile app too, so you can study even on the bus going to work.

It's uncomplicated and accessible English, you can't help but enjoy it!

Mairo Vergara

With Mairo Vergara the user has the first 3 modules, i.e, 27 classes for free.

Platform has student support 7 days a week.

Therefore, the study is personalized with hundreds of classes, resources and materials.

The student himself defines his own study schedule and pace.

Being able to choose between studying 2 to 3 times a week, or every day, then it's up to you to choose.


Wizard is one of the most popular.

They have a teaching method that makes the language simple, focusing on conversation from the beginning.

With dynamic classes and teachers who understand the subject, you feel confident communicating in English in any situation.

See about other courses:

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Oh, and it doesn't stop there! They offer a lot of extra features, such as online activities and cultural events.

It's as if English became part of your routine, without that boring vibe of being stuck in books.

As Wizard you can experience all of this with two free classes, this way, you will always be evolving, towards fluency!

Prime Courses

Free of monthly fees, Prime Courses is a great option.

With it you learn from scratch with online basic English course.

For example, most used verbs, basic conversation and situations, and understand more about vocabulary.

Finally, get ready to discover everything that a command of English can do for you.

Links to download:

ABA English

Mairo Vergara


Prime Courses