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How to measure land and areas using your cell phone? Discover some applications to do this easily these days.

You apps They came to speed up, facilitate and leave everyone with their mouths open because they are so practical.

Now, measure land with your cell phone It's like a revolution in the lives of those who need it or work with it.

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In other words, before taking measurements on land was something done by a professional, who used their own equipment for this purpose.

But, with technology in our hands, we do this using only our cell phone.

So, you can forget about using those huge tape measures, because now with the phone in your hands, you become the master of measurements.

That's right, and it's very easy and practical, where you just need to download a land measurement application on your cell phone.

Therefore, you can calculate the area of any land.

And no matter the size of the land to measure, it does it easily and quickly.

Therefore, the app will accurately calculate the area based on the coordinates GPS.

With this mobile analysis, you have the utility and speed, making land measurement a task within your reach with just your cell phone in hand.

Check out some now apps that we have separated for you measure land and areas with your cell phone.

Area Meter

Area Meter It is one of applications with the highest score to take measurements.

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It is an excellent option for those who want measure a piece of land.

So, how does it work with GPS, so you don't need to be close to the land you want to know its exact size.

Como medir terrenos e áreas usando celular?
How to measure land and areas using a cell phone?

A tool It's great and helps when buying an area and knowing the correct measurement.

Furthermore, it is very useful for professionals in the field who need to know the size of a piece of land.

Finally, just install the app on your cell phone and use all the technology it offers.

Making it easier to measure the area you want.

Area and Distance Meter

O app Area and Distance Meters is one of the most used and powerful for take measurements.

A tool, has as its database the Google Maps.

In other words, using just your cell phone you can make calculations in any area.

The best thing is that you can measure land anywhere in the world.

How is this done through the GPS, it is no longer necessary to be in person.

Therefore the app will inform you precisely how much the area measured in square meters corresponds to.

Find out the exact size of your land using the application Area and Distance Meter.

Furthermore, with this facility the lives of several professionals have benefited greatly.

However, the app It helps builders and also those who work in rural areas and need to measure areas quickly and accurately.

O differential is that you can generate links to later share the measurements if necessary. 

AreaCalc-GPS Area Calculator

AreaCalc – GPS Area Calculator is another amazing application that can be used to measure land and areas.

That is, the app Once installed, it calculates the space for construction on its own.

It finds the area on the map that you want to calculate and mark and then passes the measurement to you.

Furthermore, the farmer or agronomist can measure his land quickly and accurately with his cell phone.

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Therefore, those who work in the field and on machines can calculate their working time with the help of the app.

Finally, during the measurement process, the tool presents the exact calculation of the size of the land and its final measurement.

It is simple to use and makes it easy to start construction or different projects.

Download links: Android/iOS

Area Meter

Area and distance meter

AreaCalc – GPS Area Calculator