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Os Apps de Antivírus com Limpeza são mega importantes para manter seu celular seguro.

Eles protegem contra os hackers que tentam roubar suas informações pessoais e profissionais, que a gente usa todo dia.

Além de barrar os vírus, esses apps de Antivírus com Limpeza também deixam seu celular mais rápido, porque eles limpam arquivos desnecessários e otimizam o sistema.

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Eles ficam de olho em tudo, 24 horas por dia, para garantir que nenhuma ameaça digital chegue perto do seu aparelho.

Um bom antivírus age rápido para proteger seu celular das ameaças digitais e evitar que programas maliciosos sejam instalados.

Então, é isso: um antivírus que também limpa seu celular é essencial para manter tudo nos trinques e suas informações seguras. Vale a pena investir em um para ter essa tranquilidade.

Clean Master

Esse app é tipo o rei da limpeza. Ele dá aquela geral no seu celular, tirando tudo que não presta, como cache e arquivos que só ocupam espaço. Ainda vem com um antivírus para manter seu celular seguro.


Esse aqui é famoso por ser bem eficiente. Ele limpa tudo que não é necessário e ainda cuida do seu histórico de chamadas e mensagens. É simples de usar e faz o serviço direitinho.

SD Maid

Quer controle total? O SD Maid é pra você. Ele caça até os arquivos esquecidos pelos apps que você já desinstalou. É tipo um detetive do seu celular.

AVG Cleaner

Da galera da AVG, esse app faz uma faxina automática e ainda ajuda a economizar bateria. Ele também dá uma geral nas suas fotos, mostrando as repetidas ou que não ficaram tão legais.

Files by Google: Não é só de limpeza que vive esse app. Ele também ajuda a organizar seus arquivos e a encontrar o que você precisa sem perder tempo.


Norton it is a app well known for being a great at antivirus protection.

Therefore, the app It is very popular and with ages of experience, it has a great rating for keeping thousands of people safe every day.

In other words, it will keep your data safe and also protect your browsing with complete security in your hands.

It meets all the necessary requirements for a antivirus Of Quality.

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A tool blocks celebrities'Hackers” to see what you do online, in public or even on your home Wi-Fi.

Finally, Norton is acting and blocking thousands of threats every minute.


The app Kaspersky operates in the market, being one of the safest brands when it comes to virus protection.

A tool It is also very popular on computers.

In other words, it has a very well-placed version for cell phones due to its system that perceives threats.

Apps antivírus para celular
Antivirus apps for mobile

O app was awarded by testing laboratories that evaluated the quality of virus protections on your cell phone.

Its mobile app provides protection against online threats.

Finally, it searches applications for systems that end up stealing important information.


Bitdefender is well known for being a high-quality antivirus protection app.

With it, your data will be saved and safe on your cell phone, avoiding certain risks.

A tool has a simple and easy to use page offering real-time protection.

In other words, it is light and will not harm the functions of your device.

O app It is great at copying all programs before they are installed.


A McAfee will help you by protecting your cell phone against various threat viruses.

In other words, it has full searches and Wi-Fi protection.

O app performs a quick search that lasts just a few seconds and is sure to find digital threats.

A tool keeps your data safe and meets all the necessary requirements for a quality antivirus while traveling on the internet.

It has anti-theft features such as an encounter alert, thus blocking the device's functions.

Finally, the highlight of the free version of app to improve battery consumption and the option to make copies of contacts.


A Avast is one of the most famous names in the world of technology and is among the most popular antivirus applications.

A platform ensures the security of over 435 million users around the world.

That is, sometimes the protection that comes into your device's system, ends up not resolving all threats.

So, stay protected against various viruses and malware programs. invasion with the famous Avast.

Therefore, it is known for having features that involve protection against viruses, systems and also offers a fake application blocker.

Finally, with it you can clean up your phone's memory and temporary files.

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Watch TV on your cell phone

Protect apps, photos, and clean your files, freeing up more space and making your device faster.

It also has real-time scanning features, anti-theft and threat alerts.

Finally, the app It has a simple and easy to use page.

Download links: Android/iOS




