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Consult the new rules and tax information on income for 2023. Remembering that the period for submission begins on March 15th.

Who must declare

The citizen who lives in Brazil, who receives taxable income exceeding R $ 28,559.70 this year, or around R $ 2,380 per month, including: salaries, pensions, pensions and rentals which receives free income, not recordable or recorded exclusively in the source exceeds R $ 40 thousand; If the problem occurs in every month, the patrimonial gain due to the enajenación of bienes or rights subject to the incidence of the Tax, the Tax on the Income must be declared in 2023.

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In the case of physical persons, the declaration is mandatory for those who obtained taxable income greater than a certain annual amount determined by the Federal Income Service of Brazil.

What is the tax on the income?

The income tax is a federal tax that records the income of physical and legal persons.

The income tax declaration is made annually and must be submitted within the period established by the Internal Tax Service.

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It is important to keep in mind that Brazilian tax legislation is subject to changes and annual updates, which is why this income tax information is subject to changes.

It is recommended that taxpayers consult the most up-to-date information provided by the Servicio de Ingresos Federales de Brasil to clarify their doubts.

The deadline for submitting IRPF (DIRPF) declarations is from March 15th to May 31st.

The authorization is valid for only one CPF (not valid for CNPJ), and the same CPF can be authorized by only five people.

The authorization period, of a maximum of six months, will be defined by the authorizer.

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