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Unfortunately, throughout history, famous works that were accidentally destroyed, see some examples below:

Alejandría Library

The library of Alejandría, Egypt, was one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, with an estimated collection of thousands of books, manuscripts and parchments.

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However, it was destroyed in several fires, and its most famous occurred in 48 BC, during Caesar's invasion of Egypt.

Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, in present-day Turkey, was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Obras famosas que fueron destruidas accidentalmente.
Famous works accidentally destroyed.

However, it has been destroyed in several fires throughout the Siglos, the last of which occurred in 401 AD.

Colossus of Wheels

El Coloso de Rodas was a large bronze statue that represented the Greek god Helios (the Sun).

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It was built on the island of Rodas in ancient Greece around 280 BC to commemorate the victory of the Rhodians over the army of Demetrio Poliorcetes, a Macedonian general.

The statue was about 33 meters high and was located at the entrance to the port of Rodas, where it was an important event for the mariners who arrived at the island.

El Coloso took a few years to build and was considered one of the seven marvels of the ancient world.

Unfortunately, in 226 BC, an earthquake shook the island of Rodas and collapsed the Coloso.

Although there were attempts to rebuild it, the project was never completed and the remains of the statue were sold as a chattel in 654 AD.

Babel tower

The Tower of Babel was a tower mentioned in the Bible, which had been built by Noah's descendants to reach heaven.

It is believed that the tower was destroyed by an earthquake.

Patio of the Grand Mosque of La Meca

In 2002, torrential rains caused a flood in the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

Obras famosas que fueron destruidas accidentalmente.
Famous works accidentally destroyed.

The courtyard of the Grand Mosque of La Meca was flooded and several historic buildings were destroyed, including the Patio of Ibrahim, which dates back to the 7th century.

These are just some examples of famous works that were accidentally destroyed.

Unfortunately, many other works have been lost throughout history due to wars, fires, earthquakes and other natural and human causes.

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