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Las pheromones They are chemical substances produced by living organisms, such as animals and insects, to obtain specific information.

They are released into the environment and can be detected by other individuals of the same species through smell or taste.

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It plays an important role in communication between individuals of a species.

It can be used to attract a couple to show up, mark territory, alert other members of the group about the presence of predators or signal other important information.

Pheromones are produced in specialized glands of the body of the animal or insect, and each species produces specific pheromones that are recognized only by members of the same species.

Pheromone detection is carried out using specialized receptors in the animal's nose or mouth.

¿Sabes qué son las feromonas?
Do you know what pheromones are?

Pheromones are also used in industry for pest control and in the production of perfumes and colognes.

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However, it is important to keep in mind that not all the effects of pheromones on human beings are well understood, and more research is needed to fully understand their role in human communication.

How it works?

They are chemical substances produced by animals and insects to transmit information to the members of the same species.

It plays a crucial role in communication between individuals in a variety of contexts, such as reproduction, territoriality, defense and aggregation.

Produced by specialized glands in different parts of the body, depending on the species.

For example, many insects produce pheromones from their abdominal glands, while mammals can produce them from their urinary glands.

¿Sabes qué son las feromonas?
Do you know what pheromones are?

They are released into the environment and can be detected by other individuals of the same species through specialized sensory organs.

The sensory organs that detect pheromones vary between species.

In many insects, for example, they are detected by highly sensitive antennae.

In mammals, pheromones are often detected by an organ called the vomeronasal organ, located in the nasal cavity.

Once an individual detects a pheromone, it can produce a specific behavioral response.

For example, a sexual pheromone produced by a female can attract males to appear, while an alarm pheromone can alert other members of the same species to imminent danger.

In short, pheromones are chemical substances produced by animals and insects to transmit information to members of the same species.

They are detected by specialized sensory organs and can trigger specific behavioral responses.

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