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If you have ever been curious about see your city via satellite, this is your opportunity through available applications.

So, you will find yourself in all the places you want to go, or even form the best daily route to get to work.

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Take a look at this article, the applications that are increasing these days, and that will help you view your city via satellite using a lot of technology and surprising features.

Aware of the routes by road, It's the first time we're going to talk.

In addition to having map tracking for the most popular destinations, it can also work and be useful in offline mode.

It has an excellent rating with 4.2 out of 5 stars awarded by its numerous users.

The tool is fast and contains fully detailed maps online, saving your mobile data and providing point-to-point navigation.

In this sense, satisfying a demand of more than 140 million travelers spread across the world.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

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Here we go

The application allows the user to visualize the city and create routes and satellite maps for possible trips in everyday life, always having the best route offered at hand.

Vea su ciudad vía satélite a través de aplicaciones.
See your city via satellite through apps.

Available to users of android y iPhone (iOS), easily found in application stores.

Here we also have the advantage of working offline, allowing the user to see the values of all route tickets.

Tool is an excellent navigation application available for free and that guides travelers on familiar and unfamiliar routes.

With a modern and easy-to-access interface.

Go Sur

Con Go Sur The user can obtain more information about the location in real time, and also has access to news about the weather, such as isolated rains, winds and others.


El famous Waze is also on this list. Because it allows the user view your city via satellite.

It offers numerous other functions, reporting accidents on the route, traffic jams, possible dangers on a certain section of the road and even police bombings, among others.

In addition to being a community platform, it is used by several people joining a social network.

In addition to the traffic GPS, the platform counts with routes and satellite maps.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

Apollo 11

To gain access, visit the official website, which offers incredible data in real time.

In addition to exposing other planets and stars, like the sun.

Contains live images from many different parts of the world.

See the Satellite tonight

Considered the best application when it comes to live satellite images, this is watching a satellite this evening.

With this tool, the user can view images in real time and get closer to the Tierra and get a view from the top of their house or another place to choose.

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In addition to being able to access records through the website, it also has the application option for users of the operating system android.