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To start with, we know that not all places suffer from this problem of huracan, being a relief for many.

For example, in Brazil this phenomenon is not very common, but if you travel abroad you have some application available on your mobile phone it can be of great value.

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This type of Hurricane Monitor tool is an application available to users of the operating system. android y iPhone (iOS).

It serves as a monitor for harsher weather conditions, such as huracanes y great storms.

Next, some options are available, for this one, take a look.

The Weather Channel4

An important tool that shows the weather forecast for up to 15 days, which provides information about the climatic conditions of your region in real time.

If the weather situation is over huracanes In other dangerous situations, the app itself sends alerts to users, informing and avoiding major problems.

The main reason for warning is time, so that residents preserve their lives and their families by taking them to safer places.

Recibe alertas de huracán en tu teléfono celular.
Receive huracan alerts on your cell phone.

Available free of charge for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).


Among the most complete applications is WeatherBug, which provides transmission for up to 10 days and a Dopper radar.

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This solo is available in some regions of the United States (Alaska and Hawaii), Canada and Mexico.

Being an area intended exclusively for huracanes in real time, and another area focused on other extreme climatic situations.

Furthermore, the tool informs you about the traffic conditions if you need to leave the site quickly.

NOAA Weather Radar Free

Have current HD conditions, weather map and climate conditions in real time.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS), the application is free and collects data from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) which is no more than the US agency responsible for climate problems.

With this tool, the person can directly follow the progress of a huracan in real time.

If you don't have Internet, don't worry, this information can be transmitted without connection, downloading data to the cache of the mobile device (prognostic only).

It contains a simple interface that shows animations of the progress of a last-minute storm, issuing appropriate safety alerts.

Storm Shield

Not available in Brazil, only working in the United States, a good option for those who have to travel there.

Focused exclusively on monitoring extreme weather conditions.

For example, storms and huracanes, including allowing the user to choose what they want to say.

Issuance of radio-connected sound alerts by NOAA in case of extreme urgency.

Available free of charge for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

National Hurricane Center Data

Another great option, however, is only available to users of iPhone (iOS).

The Monitor's main focus is on the Atlantic, Pacific and global oceans.

Displaying satellite images and other types of maps on your interface.

Keep climate change predictions for up to 5 days, issuing security and emergency alerts.

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Car repairs via cell phone.

View scans of soap operas without internet.

The only drawback is that the tool is paid for, with an average cost of R$ 7.90.