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To begin with, during the pandemic the stock market managed to obtain surreal gains, but do you know what happened with it? stock Exchange?

However, in 2022 there is a year of good news, including those inverters that are working entirely for roles that have been considered safe for years, as technology companies are facing a difficult period of many losses.

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In the middle of Times Square, in the center of New York, United States, surrounded by electronic panels and a plethora of LED lights, is Nasdaq, the famous stock Exchange specialized in technology companies.

Reflecting the fluctuations in the set of shares traded on this exchange, until June of this year, the Nasdaq index fell to 32%.

Bolsa de valores de EUA: Comprenda.
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Thus, Eduardo Carbajal, professor of economics and finance at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, assures that this is one of the fallen mayors who have suffered the Nasdaq in its history.

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However, if the big technology companies could escape this decline with percentages in the single digits, the size of the decline was determined by the shares that dominated the Nasdaq and had a greater weight.

For example, Meta (which controls Facebook), Apple, Alphabet (which controls Google), Amazon and Netflix.

This current state of inverter excitement exists for numerous reasons, one of which is high inflation, which is a widespread phenomenon throughout the world in the year 2022.

The annual index in the United States reached 8.6% in June, for example.

In the meantime, the highest number of inflation in the last 40 years has been uncertain, thus being a little negative for the markets.

Therefore, therefore, the central banks are increasing interest rates, increasing the cost of capital, to try to smooth out this inflationary wave.

The Federal Reverse (the Central Bank of the United States) in Washington has decided to raise interest rates and issues signals that indicate that this trend will continue.

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Vuelo Alto: Successful film on Netflix.

Spanish flu: Get more information about this deadly pandemic of the 20th.

Therefore, affecting in particular those companies that have received cash injections, taking advantage of the low types of interests of recent years.