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Today, with the advanced technology we have, it is even possible for us to separate how we will see it face of your future baby, so check out these applications and discover them now.

And you start thinking?What does it look like? ¿How will it be sucarita? What are your characteristics?

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Now, thanks for advancing there artificial intelligence a prediction can be made, based on algorithms that can show them Seeds between priests

Remember, it's just a prediction and not a reliable 100% result. But, it's quite fun to do it, and it helps calm that restlessness of waiting. 

So, here I leave you the best apps so that you can satisfy your curiosity and spend a pleasant moment with your family and friends. 

Top 3 of the best apps that show you how to be your child. 

1.- Baby Generator 

This application is very easy to use, You just have to upload a photo of yourself and your partner. 

As soon as the application is able to achieve recognition, it is very important that you upload one photo of good quality and good light conditions

And if you want the best prediction in photos of men, you can't have a beard.

However, in photos of women, you have to see long hair. 

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¿Cómo será el rostro de su futuro hijo?
What will the face of your future child look like?

You can't upload the photos, you just have to select each person's sex, age and list, 

How come the prediction! 

Furthermore, this app allows you make photo collage that you went up share them on your social networks. 

2.- Know your future baby 

With this application, more than having a prediction, what you are going to do is have fun with the results. 

The idea of the developer is to help those first priests to relax, and entertain yourself while waiting for the arrival of their baby. 

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It works quite similar to the other application, you only have to upload your photo and that of your very good husband. 

Now it's just a matter of waiting and returning with the prognosis. 

3.- Your future baby face 

Here you can upload a photo of your partner, your platonic love or your favorite artist. 

So that you can predict how you would look baby With your partner, the con is this famous singer who has enchanted you since childhood. 

It works exactly the same as other apps, so it is quite simple to use. 

The important thing is that you spend a different day and that you can share it with your family and friends. 

This application is exclusive to the App Store. 

Do not forget that these applications do not use any genetic analysis technique, just analyze the facial features of your photos. 

This is why the prediction given cannot be accurate, and can still be different from reality. 

These applications have been developed so that Have a special reference so you can have fun. 

So, regardless of the prediction, I advise you to laugh, Share the results with your friends and have a pleasant time.