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First of all, it is important to know that the add function links to the Instagram stories It is only available, for now, for some accounts.

Therefore, only those who have Verified Account currently have access to this option.

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Or also, profiles containing 10 thousand followers or more.

The famous figure of “drag up” has the goal in to share one link Through a stories from Instagram.

In other words, you have the opportunity to complement your strategy and offer greater information in the knowledge process.

This way, if you have never thought about the importance of adding links at the Instagram, it is worth rethinking the action plan you have developed in your social media.

Furthermore, if your case is e-commerce, it's past time to add the products page.

These companies who only practice sale Off-line, they can and should insert a tab on the channels.

As well as in other social media.

For example the YouTube.

Therefore, the option is phase in test in order to reach a higher level of accounts possible.

How to add links to Instagram stories?

At first glance, the function it is available to one select group of people, and can also be found among story stickers.

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How to add links to Instagram stories

If you want to know if you have the access to this functionality, follow him step by step.

Click the button with a plus sign “+” and select “Stories” to create the Publication.

Take one Photograph, record a video or click on right corner to make the choice of item already saved in your gallery.

Now, tap the icon with access to “sticker session“.

Then choose the option “Link” that appears on the screen.

Afterwards, inform the address from the page in the field URL.

To view the content, click “ See preview”.

Lastly, define the position of the link at Publication and click ” Your story" to share.

Other ways used to add links to Instagram stories:

While this function of stories is not permitted for most users, there are other options that can be used to promote products.

As well as brands and other services in social network.

For example, the “tree of links“.

It gives you access direct to pages in virtual stores, events, and others websites offered in Internet.

Furthermore, we have the chat which is also a direct channel very important for contact with client in potential.

Put the link on IGTV

This is one of the options mentioned above.

O Instagram has been giving users an option when it comes to IGTV.

He the single who accepts clickable links within the text of videos.

In the same way, we can insert these links for the cell phone or by computer.

We will teach you how to do it both ways.

Cell phone:

Access your channel and choose the video which you will edit in your IGTV.

Also, read:

Learn how to verify Instagram account.

Learn to change the color of WhatsApp emojis.

Click on the three dots below the video.

After that, select “To edit“.

To finish, enter O link you want and click on the “check“.

By PC:

Access your channel and from the profile click on “shipping“.

Choose the video and the cover.

Do it settings with the subtitle and the link whatever you want.

Finally, select the post.

Now you know how to share links on Instagram stories easily.