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A English language is the most well-known language in the world and is considered the universal language, how about learning to speak English.

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English is used all over the world, at official events, shows and sports. Wherever you go, there is always someone who speak English. 

AND speak English fluently It's every ambitious person's dream, whether it's to go on an international trip or to help with their professional side.

Therefore, mastering this language brings a series of advantages, including new job opportunities, ease of communication in different countries, access to untranslated materials, meeting and talking to people who speak the language, among others.

And English has become increasingly established in Brazil, with bilingual schools where children learn to English language since they were little. 

Currently, there are a multitude of language schools that can help you with this learning. 

However, it is good to remember that the cost of an English course is usually expensive and it also takes time to dedicate to classes.

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To make people's lives easier, there are applications where you can learn to speak English without having to leave home.

One of these applications and the “Speak English with Portuguese – speak English in 30 days”, which promises the user to speak English in 30 days.

O application is available for download for free and offers the user several exercises with audio, so that the content is better retained.

In this text, we will clarify a little about this app and how you can use this option to learn English.

The promise of app “Speak English with Portuguese – speak English in 30 days” is to teach users how to speak English in 30 days with completely free content.

The app has a chapter focused solely on English pronunciation, as well as several activities that teach different English phrases.

How to download the application? 

To download the Speak English with Portuguese – speak English in 30 days”, search directly in Play Store from your smartphone and click Install.

After finishing the download, click Open to access the application. Now, you will have access to the content offered by the platform to learn English easily. 

Aplicativos para falar Inglês.
Apps for speaking English.

Learning a second language is currently extremely important for personal and professional growth. 

O English, as we mentioned at the beginning of this text, is essential nowadays, whether to open new opportunities in the national or international job market or simply for leisure.

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Besides, it's much cooler to hear that international music and know how to sing it correctly, right? In addition, of course, to being able to understand what she means. 

Not to mention the fact of watching films with subtitles and being able to follow the actors' lines, without needing to use subtitles to understand the context.

Mastering this language makes your life easier, whether professional or personal. 

If a job opportunity arises in a country that speaks English, the company will certainly send the employee who speaks the language.

If you intend to travel abroad, you will certainly need to know speak English basics to get by on your trip.