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Many people have the desire to undergo plastic surgery, however, there is always a certain fear regarding the final result of the procedure.

And as always, technology comes to help, from available apps for download where it is possible to simulate the desired result.

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Physical appearance has gained great importance in recent years and, as a result, the demand for surgical procedures aesthetics increased. 

It is important, before carrying out the surgery, look for a trusted doctor, analyze the work carried out and also find out about the place where the surgery will be carried out.

It is also recommended to know people who have already completed surgical procedures with the doctor, to ensure a good experience.

According to recorded data, more and more young people have undertaken plastic surgery at the Brazil. 

Among the most requested, the highlight is surgeries to place a silicone prosthesis and perform liposuction, as well as rhinoplasty.

The most commonly performed surgeries around the world are: liposuction, breast reduction and silicone implants in the breasts, rhinoplasty and facelift.

Use the plastic surgery simulator It ends up being a great way to see what the result of the plastic surgery you want will be like. 

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And the most interesting thing is that it is not necessary to undergo any procedure to access this result. 

In this text, we will present some applications that you can use to test the desired results.

Plastic Surgery Simulator App

This one application is available for download at Android and iOS (iPhone) operating systems. 

O app It has a free and a paid version, the choice is up to the user.

Through Simulator Plastic surgery, you can access a photo in your smartphone's gallery and edit that image, in a very practical way. 

The app works with simple tools that deliver a practical experience to the user, in addition to providing great results.

However, the use of simulator does not replace the consultation with the plastic surgeon, especially because, if you decide to have surgery, the specialist needs to evaluate the case to know how it will be carried out.

It is also important to keep in mind that the final result of the surgery will not be identical to that indicated in the simulator

Other application options 

Currently, there are several plastic surgery simulator options that you can use.

Aplicativo para simular Cirurgia Plástica
Application to simulate Plastic Surgery.

Some of them were created for specific surgeries, as is the case with Rhinoplasty app

This app is responsible for simulating the result of one of the most popular surgeries in Brazil.

On the other hand, the Virtual Plastic Surgery, is more similar to the Plastic Surgery Simulator.

O app provides the user with several tools to help modify different parts of the body. 

Just select the desired image from your gallery and apply the desired changes to get the final result.

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It is important to remember that, despite the ease with which these apps bring, the user must be careful. 

Plastic surgery must be very well thought out and planned, always looking for the best professional for it.

You apps to simulate the results of plastic surgery They are a great way to imagine what this procedure would look like. 

However, many times, the end result will not be the same as presented in the simulatorTherefore, it is always important to look for a specialist.

But nothing stops you download the app and start testing the desired procedures on your photo, to decide if you really want to carry out a surgical procedure.