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Took an Uber and didn't like something? Like service, a dirty car, or something you didn't like, see how to make a complaint at Uber.

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In the not-so-distant past, taxis dominated the cities.

In busier locations, we can identify taxi ranks or, depending on where you are, you can request a fare over the phone. 

Taxi rides are charged at a fixed rate (called flagged) and at a variable rate, charged per kilometer traveled.

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These values are variable and change from city to city.

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Not long ago, the app cars, where people download the app on your cell phone, inform the destination address and a driver is assigned to carry out your ride, charging an amount well below what would be paid if the ride was by taxi.

The most famous of cars application is Uber, a platform that arrived in Brazil in 2014, operating first in Rio de Janeiro and then in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte.

In 2016, the company already operated in a large part of the country and became a reference when there is a need to request a app car

Nowadays, people use many app cars, whether for work, for personal commitments and also, there are those who prefer to take a Uber to go out on Saturday night, so as not to run the risk of being fined after drinking alcohol. 

It is even possible to close a monthly package with a specific driver, stipulating a fixed amount that will be paid to him.

Many people who depend on the bus or subway to work end up choosing this option, as it is more practical. 

The service of the Uber works 24 hours and through it you can do claims of the most diverse, from the conduct of the driver, physical or verbal attacks, cases of discrimination, harassment, refusal to take to the indicated location, charging undue fees or even to recover forgotten objects in the application car.

How can I make a complaint with Uber?

All complaints are evaluated and investigated by the company and may result in fines and penalties for the driver.

If a police investigation is necessary, the platform collaborates with the authorities.

To make a report, simply follow the steps below:

Reclamações na Uber
Complaints at Uber
  • Access the Uber app on your smartphone and click on the icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Click on the “Your travels” to continue the procedure.
  • Locate the trip you want to take complaint, you can search by date, time or route.
  • When selecting the desired trip, a screen will open with different reasons, just select the one that comes closest to your preference. complaint
  • O Uber will ask you for more information about what happened.
  • At this stage, the ideal is for you to choose an option that most closely resembles what happened. If you want to add more information, there is a space for that case.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click send for the message to be sent to the platform.

After completing this procedure, simply wait for the company to return to continue analyzing your complaint

Not all races can end in a cool way, so if you had problems, enough contact the platform and carry out your complaint formal so that the appropriate measures are taken