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Did you know that now you can track your menstrual cycle via your own cell phone? Discover some available applications.

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In the rush of everyday life, it is natural for us to forget to pay due attention to our health and observe the messages that our body sends us.

After all, what woman was never taken by surprise with a menstruation unexpected and I wasn't aware?

It's easy to get lost when the doctor asks when your last period was, or even forget to take your medicine. contraceptive.

And, with that in mind, there are currently several applications available to make women's lives easier when it comes to this subject.         

Now, there are no more excuses for getting lost in menstrual cycle.

Read too:

Application to monitor pregnancy.
Online Pregnancy Test Application.

Thanks to these applications, we are also able to understand and know our organism, in addition to always being prepared for this monthly visit.  

To help you choose an app, we will list some of the most used, available for Download so much for iOS (iPhone) as for android.

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  • Clue

The first and perhaps one of the best known among the applications is Clue.

This is a very intuitive application, where, when configuring, you will have to answer some basic questions, so that the application can start creating your database.

Based on this data, the application will indicate when your next 3 cycles.

In the available settings, it is also possible to monitor the most frequent symptoms, pain, emotions, sex, among others.

Additionally, you can also add sticky notes at the cell phone, to remember to take the pill contraceptive and set the reminder when your next fertile period and ovulation will be.

Nothing complicated, the app is available for download in the systems android It is iOS (iPhone).

  • My Calendar

Also available for android It is iOS (iPhone), the app My Calendar, shows the user, as soon as the application is accessed, how many days are left until the next menstruation and which day it will be, in addition to informing the fertile period.

As well as the Clue, has a calendar where it is possible to feed various information in addition to the menstrual cycle, such as pills, sex, symptoms, emotions, swelling, weight, in addition to providing a notepad for additional information. 

  • Period Calendar

Unlike the first two, the Period Calendar is available for Download only in the system android.

Aplicativo para acompanhar ciclo menstrual.
Application to track menstrual cycle.

The app works as a daily, where it is possible to note the number of days that the menstrual cycle, what symptoms were presented, mood, weight presented during this period, medications used, pain and other complementary information.

O Period Calendar It has less information compared to the others listed, but it ends up being functional.

Additionally, you can customize alerts from menstrual cycle and reminders of contraceptive.

  • Flo

This is perhaps one of the most complete apps related to menstrual cycle.

When accessing it, you must specifically inform its purpose: track the menstrual cycle, get pregnant or if you want monitor pregnancy

Among the resources available in the app, you have access to graphs and reports that monitor, in addition to your cycle, weight, physical activity, quality of sleep, quantity of water ingested and food.

It also has reminders to menstrual period and alerts to take contraceptives.

Available to download for iOS (iPhone) and android.

So, have you chosen yours yet? Don't waste time, download it now and track your menstrual cycle.