News about the digital world

Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Convierte tus fotos como dibujo animado

Convert your photos as an animated sketch

Desde hace mucho tiempo las aplicaciones que dejan tus fotos como dibujo animado se han hecho muy populares.  Con esto, muchos han desarrollado aplicaciones cada vez más perfectas que hacen que tus fotos parezcan realmente de diseños de Disney.  Así …

Aprenda a transformar fotos em caricaturas online

Learn how to turn photos into caricatures online

If you like fun photos, we'll teach you how to turn your photos into online caricatures. The practice of publishing photos on social media is increasingly popular among users, whether via stories or in the feed. Further …

Como duplicar fotos e criar clones

How to duplicate photos and create clones

Currently we have so many social networks to post our photos that every day, new ideas and updates are created, even duplicating photos and creating clones. Surely you have already seen photos in which a person appears several times…

Aplicativos para duplicar fotos e criar clones

Apps to duplicate photos and create clones

Have you ever come across an image where the person in the photo was cloned and wondered how to do this in your own photos? we will help you, see apps to duplicate photos. Know that this is possible through…

Transforme fotos em desenhos animados, veja como:

Turn photos into cartoons, here's how:

Join this global wave right now and transform photos into cartoons, a new game that has become fashionable among celebrities and spread all over the internet. Discover now the best-known application on the market, the most downloaded and also the most…

Como transformar fotos em desenho.

How to turn photos into drawings.

See how you can join the wave of transforming photos into drawings, discover the application that is a hit on social media. The free app that turns photos into drawings has gained traction around the world, with celebrities jumping on the bandwagon of turning photos into …