News about the digital world

Showing: 1 - 10 of 30 RESULTS
Apps que prometem identificar fantasmas

Apps that promise to identify ghosts

Então, vamos falar sobre esses apps que prometem identificar fantasmas, né? Parece coisa de filme de terror, mas a verdade é que tem muita gente curiosa por aí que quer testar essas coisas. Porém, vamos ser realistas aqui. Esses apps …

Trocar o toque do telefone

Change the phone ringtone_

Changing your phone's ringtone may seem silly, but it's important, you know? First of all, it's a way of expressing your personality, you know? That touch says a lot about you, whether it's more relaxed, classic, or even funny. In addition …

Pesar boi com o celular

Weigh beef with your cell phone

Hey, have you ever heard of that crazy trick where you weigh an ox with a cell phone? That's right, it's not just for selfies and social media! The idea is to use today's technology to simplify difficult tasks. Before, you would need…

Aumente a bateria do seu celular com app

Increase your cell phone battery with an app

Cell phone without battery: If this has become a problem, increase your cell phone's battery with the help of an available app. Wow, who has never had a cell phone that looks like the battery evaporated out of nowhere, right? It's frustrating! And look,…

Apps para pesar produtos

Apps for weighing products

Having an app that turns your cell phone into a scale is like having a superpower in your pocket! Discover Apps for weighing products. Just imagine, being able to weigh anything wherever you are, without needing that old scale? In other words, it’s like having…

Descubra quem visualizou seu perfil

Find out who viewed your profile

Let's talk about this curiosity that many people have: Find out who viewed your profile. In other words, this is something that messes with a lot of people’s heads on social media. First of all, let’s clarify that, on most platforms,…

Apps para trocar a cor da roupa

Apps to change the color of clothes

Apps to change the color of clothes have arrived to help you on those days when you're looking at your closet and thinking about what you're going to wear. In other words, have you ever looked at your wardrobe and said something like this… …

QR Code

QR Code Creator to Receive Payments

If you are a frequent user of Pix, you may have already come across the need for an application to generate QR Code Pix, making it easier to receive payments in an efficient and agile way. In this article, we will explore how…


Applications for Automotive Customization

Are you passionate about cars and always looking for the perfect customization to reflect your unique style? If so, then you're about to discover three revolutionary tools that will take your customization experience to a...