News about the digital world

Showing: 21 - 30 of 89 RESULTS
Como fazer desenhos online?- Confira.

How to make drawings online?- Check it out.

I'll tell you a little about these tools and how you can make drawings online, unleashing all your creativity wherever you are. Nowadays, with technology taking over. Therefore, we have several top options to give wings to our …

Get gift cards from famous brands on your birthday

Hey, have you ever imagined getting amazing gift cards on your birthday? Well, some big brands have a special surprise in store for their most loyal customers. And guess what, these companies, in addition to offering high quality products, …

Personalize seu carro com aplicativos.

Customize your car with apps.

If you're thinking of giving that special touch to your car and making it look just like you, customize your car with apps. Currently, there are several apps available for you to play and let your imagination run wild. With these apps, you…

Deseja envelhecer suas fotos? Saiba como.

Want to age your photos? Know how.

If you are looking for new editions for your images, learn how to age your photos and make them different from the others in your gallery. Nowadays, even with the digital camera becoming more and more professional. People are still…

cabelo chanel

Application to simulate chanel haircut

At first, cutting bobbed hair can be difficult for some people, especially if they are indecisive, afraid of cutting too much or not liking the result and having to wait for their hair to grow back. However, for others, …

Sube el volumen de tu teléfono móvil.

Turn up the volume of your mobile phone.

Firstly, with the help of applications, turn up the volume of your mobile phone whenever necessary. A cell phone with low volume can be a frustrating problem. In addition to undermining the quality of your experience with …

Aprende a suscribirte a Globoplay gratis.

Learn to subscribe to Globoplay for free.

Globoplay is a video transmission application, created by Rede Globo, which allows you to view a wide variety of content. All this, available in different categories. For example, such as series, telenovelas, films and television programs. In addition to documentaries …

Portafolio de Trabajo Digital

Employment Digital Card

With all the technological advances, know how to access the current version of the Employment Digital Card document. A work book is used to record information about a person's work activities. It is an important document because it contains …

Conoce a Wombo AI.

Meet Wombo AI.

Application that uses artificial intelligence to bring your photos to life, and make you sing, meet Wombo AI. First of all, we cannot deny that some applications are pure fun. By chance, we will present you one in this article. The application …

Grabar llamadas con aplicaciones.

Record calls with applications.

How about recording calls with applications and storing them for free on your mobile device? Continue on this post and learn how. If you need to record some kind of important conversation, this is the solution. Bear in mind that some applications …