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How much is my car worth?– If you are thinking about selling your car, but have no idea how much it is worth, let me tell you about this incredible app that will help you with this mission!

Just imagine: you download the app, enter some information about your car, such as make, model, year and mileage, and that's it, it gives you an estimate of the value of your vehicle.

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It's that simple!

This app is like having a car expert in your pocket, you know?

In other words, it analyzes the market and considers several factors, such as the condition of the vehicle and demand, to give you a fair and realistic value.

And that's not all, folks. Some of these apps also give you tips on how to add value to your car when selling, like whether it's better to do some maintenance first or whether it's good to negotiate a fair price.

So, if you're thinking about selling your car and want to know how much it's worth, don't waste time and download one of these apps.

It's the easiest and fastest way to find out the value of your car and ensure you get a good deal!

PlacaFip – Plate consultation

You know when you see a car on the street and you're curious to know more about it?
Like, how much is he worth, if he has any issues, things like that?

Then the PlacaFip It's like an automotive detective who solves this mystery for you!

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So, you just need to get the license plate number, enter it into the app and that's it, it gives you a lot of useful information.

For example, the average value of the vehicle according to the Fipe table, if it has any restrictions, if it has already been beaten, that sort of thing.

Quanto vale meu carro? Descubra com app
How much is my car worth? Discover with app

Just imagine, you're thinking about buying a used car, but you don't want to get ripped off, right?

As PlacaFip, you can check if the price the seller is asking is in line with the market average and if the car is in perfect condition.


Do you want a fair price for your car?

O iCarros He's like a guru on this subject!

You just need to access the website or app, enter some vehicle details, such as make, model, year and mileage, and that's it, it gives you an estimate of the value.

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And the best thing is that the iCarros considers various market information, so the estimate is very realistic.

Whether buying or selling, the iCarros It's a super useful tool to help you negotiate the best price for your car.

FIPE Consultation (Cars and Motorcycles)

Oh, the FIPE Consultation it's like GPS the value of your car!

You just need to access the website or app, enter the vehicle data, such as make, model and year, and it will give you an average market price.

It's very simple and quick!

It's like having a guide when negotiating, whether selling or buying.

And the cool thing is that the FIPE Consultation It is super reliable, because it considers information from all over Brazil.

So, if you are thinking about doing a deal involving a car or motorcycle, don't forget to consult the FIPE before!

Links to download:

PlacaFip – Plate consultation


FIPE Consultation (Cars and Motorcycles)