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Make one Free online basic dog grooming course It can be a real discovery if you enjoy taking care of pets!

Therefore, it is an incredible opportunity to learn professional grooming techniques without having to leave the house or spend a lot of money.

With this course, you will learn from the basic fundamentals of shearing to more advanced techniques, all at your own pace.

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And the best thing is that you don't need to be an expert from the beginning, you can start from scratch and evolve little by little.

Plus, just imagine the doors that open when you master this skill!

You can offer grooming services to friends and family, work in pet stores or even set up your own business, how about that?

It's an opportunity to undertake and do what you love at the same time.

And we can't forget the well-being of furry friends!

A well-done grooming not only makes puppies more beautiful, but also contributes to their health. health them, avoiding problems such as knots in the fur and excess heat.

So, if you are passionate about dogs and want to stand out in this market, make a Free online basic dog grooming course is the first step.

It’s about learning, practicing and opening up a world of possibilities in the canine universe!

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What to expect from this course?

In the basic dog grooming course, you will learn all the tricks and techniques to make your furry dogs even more beautiful and well cared for.

From how to hold scissors to the most popular cuts, everything is covered.

You will understand how to prepare the hair, cut it safely and even how to deal with different dog breeds and temperaments.

Curso básico de tosa de cães online grátis
Free online basic dog grooming course

In addition, you will discover the essential equipment and tips to make grooming more efficient and comfortable for your pets.

It's like becoming a true canine beauty expert!

Fude by Educativo

Start now with this 15-hour online 100% course and learn basic techniques with distance learning.

Get ready to enjoy the different scissor cuts, Pompadour hairstyles for dogs with longer hair, straightening, etc.

On the dog grooming course at Fude by Educativo, we learn everything necessary to be a master with scissors!

From how to hold pets to the most stylish cuts, it's covered.

We will learn how to prepare the coat, cut it safely and even deal with canine temperaments.
Let's agree, it's not always docile, right?!

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They teach you the right equipment and give tips on how to keep your grooming efficient It is comfortable for the animals.

Like becoming an expert in canine beauty!

With experienced instructors, learning is smooth and fun.

If you want to make your furry ones shine, this course is the right way!

IDEA Portal

As we know, this segment is one of the fastest growing in the country.

So, do you want to become a professional groomer? IDEA Portal will help you.

Free online course provides a certificate valid throughout the country.

Starting with the introduction, and going step by step on professional grooming, learning how to use brushes and combs for dogs, some questions and tricks and how to do hygienic grooming.

Anyway, you learn everything.

Links to download:

Fude by Educativo

IDEA Portal