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Do you want to have the key to the digital kingdom in your hand? To do free computer course nowadays it's the first step!

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With technology dominating everything and every aspect of life, from work to leisure, knowing how to use a computer is a basic skill.

In other words, you need to know!

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In this sense, it opens a lot of doors in the job market, because almost all professions require some knowledge in computer science.

Whether it's to make spreadsheets, presentations or even deal with software in the area.

Furthermore, it gives you more autonomy and ease in your daily life, right?

From sending emails, shopping online, to solving boring things on the computer, such as updating the system or installing programs.

It does not stop there!

So, with a computer course, you also become more aware of online security, learning how to protect your data and avoid scams on the internet.

Not to mention that it's useful for staying connected with the world, right?

In other words, social networks, streaming, research… All of this becomes much easier when you master the technique.

In short, having a computer course It's having a superpower these days.

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It makes you more prepared for the market, more efficient in daily tasks and safer in the digital world.

So, don't waste time, go out there and jump into this universe!

Free IT Course:


Make one computer course on Udacity It's a good way to improve your digital life!

Therefore, they have an infinite number of technology courses of high quality, which are taught by expert experts in the subject.

Teaching programming and artificial intelligence is among the cool options, with beginner and advanced levels.

Curso de Informática Grátis
Free IT Course

Furthermore, whether on your computer or cell phone, you can study at your own pace.

It's like having a technology school at your fingertips prepared to make you a computer expert!


If you don't already know, the EdX It is worth checking.

It is a platform for online teaching which offers a variety of courses in different areas of knowledge.

Including computer science, science, business and more.

Developed by renowned universities and institutions, the EdX provides access to video classes, study materials and interactions with instructors, all available on your cell phone.

So, it's an incredible opportunity to learn new skills, improve knowledge or even explore areas of interest, all with flexibility and convenience.

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Therefore, do computer course by EdX it's too much!

And you know whats is most cool? Some courses are even for free!

So, if you want to boost your computer knowledge, the EdX is the right place for that.

Just choose the course and get started!

Prime Courses

O Prime Courses It’s a study paradise, you know?

They have many free course options in various areas, including IT.

And the best thing is that you can access all of this for free, without spending a penny!

The computer courses are super practical and range from the basics to more advanced topics, so there is an option for everyone.

And the best thing is that you can study at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want.

Ultimately, it's an incredible opportunity to boost your knowledge and open doors in the job market, without spending anything!

Links to download:



Prime Courses