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Learn Karate with the help of an app: If you're not familiar with the subject, Karate is a japanese martial art that appeared back in the 17th century, in Okinawa island.

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At that time, there were a lot of conflicts and weapons bans going on, and people needed a way to defend themselves, and karate ended up being the answer.

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Now, if you want to learn, but don't have a dojo or teacher nearby, you can take a look at karate apps.

There are a ton of them out there.

They guide you from the most basic movements to advanced techniques, all in the palm of your hand.

Of course, it's not the same as having a live instructor correct your posture and movements, but it's a good option for those who don't have access to in-person classes.

Some of these apps even have explanatory videos, step-by-step tutorials and even training tips.

But hey, don't forget that even when using an app, it's important to practice carefully, especially if you're just starting out.

Karate can be intense, so take it easy and always respect your limits, okay?

What are the benefits of this sport?

To practice karate It’s a bomb of health benefits!

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Firstly, it boosts your muscles, making you stronger and more resilient.

Like, you'll feel ready to face anything, the way the guys in hero stories feel!

Furthermore, the karate It's great for giving your cardiovascular system a boost.

Aprenda Karatê com ajuda de app
Learn Karate with the help of an app

Those sequences of punches and kicks are like a natural HIIT workout, making your heart beat faster and burning calories like a rocket.

And the mental part? Ah, my friend, this is where the karate shines even brighter!

Practicing this martial art helps relieve everyday stress, you know?

Like, when you're there on the mat, just focusing on your movements, the problems outside seem to disappear.

It's like therapy, only much more radical!

Not to mention that the karate It also works on your coordination and balance.

So, if you want good health and a zen mind, get on the mat!

Shotokan Karate WKF.

The app Shotokan Karate WKF It's a virtual dojo!

It is full of videos and tutorials that teach you everything from the fundamentals to the most advanced techniques of Shotokan karate, as well as giving you insights into competitions and strategies.

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It's like having a master karate available anytime, anywhere.

And where can you find this wonder?

Just go to the app store on your phone, whether Android or iOS, and search for “Shotokan Karate WKF”.

So, then just download, install and that's it, you're ready to start improving your karate skills, all in the palm of your hand!

Finally, Check out other options to learn Martial Arts: FightingTrainer, Punch Lab, Heavy Bag Pro, Muay Thai Fitness, MMA Spartan System Workouts, Fitness Workout.

Links to download:

Shotokan Karate WKF