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Applications for listening to old music: Ah, these songs have incredible power, right? They have this magical ability to transport us through time and make us feel things we didn't even know we felt.

In the past, people listened to music in a very different way than they do today.

Did not have Spotify or YouTube, so the option was vinyl, to the cassette tapes, you CDs, and even the radio.

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We recorded mixtapes to give as gifts to our crush, waited hours in front of the radio to record that favorite song, and collected records like treasures.

It was a longer and more laborious process, but it had a special charm, didn't it?

And even so, those old songs continue to touch people's hearts to this day.

It's like little pieces of history that we can listen to whenever we want.

If you miss listening to these classics, find out in this article which are the best music options. apps available to listen to old songs whenever and wherever you are.

It is worth checking.


The favorite of the moment is Spotify.

If you think that the platform only has the most played songs on the Top 10, you are wrong.

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Therefore, listen old songs in Spotify It's like having a time machine in your hands!

They have a huge library, with every song you can imagine, from classics 60's even the hits of 90's.

Aplicativos para ouvir músicas antigas
Applications to listen to old music

Just press play and that's it, there's that song you heard as a teenager or the one your grandmother used to sing you to sleep.

And the best? You can create playlists with your favorites, share them with friends and even discover new songs that have that retro vibe.

It's like reliving the past with a modern touch!


Listen to old songs on deezer It's like having a chest of musical treasures at your fingertips!

They have a huge collection of classics from past decades, from the 50s to 90s, so it's impossible not to find that song that brings you nostalgia.

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As deezer, you can create your own playlists with hits from the past, discover artists that marked an era and even relive those unforgettable ballads.

And the best of all? You can access all of this wherever you are, whether on your cell phone, computer or tablet.

It's like traveling back in time without leaving your place!

YouTube Music

YouTube Music They have a huge collection of classics from past decades.

In this sense, there are those titles that are true icons, that everyone knows by heart.

It's like “Stairway to Heaven”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Like a Rolling Stone”.

Just hearing the name makes that one come to mind flashback of good times!

So it's like a online music museum.

You can create your own playlists with all those songs that bring back good memories, discover legendary artists and even watch original music videos that marked an era.

And the best? It's all free, just with some ads every now and then, or you can opt for YouTube Music Premium and listen without interruptions.

It's like having an infinite jukebox at your disposal!

Links to download:



YouTube Music