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want to know how make Android like iPhone? Stay here and I'll explain it to you in detail.

As we already know, android It is iOS reign in the world of cell phones.

However, each one has its own unique personality.

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Android, being more popular, is adopted by a variety of manufacturers.

Which means you have a ton of device options.

Going from affordable devices to powerful flagships.

already the iOS, from the apple, is exclusive to apple products.

Like iPhones and iPads, creating a more uniform experience, but with a higher price.

When we talk about personalization, the android It's like a party where you can dress up the interface however you want.

Download apps from anywhere and even change the operating system if you dare.

already the iOS on the other hand, it's like a house organized by Apple – everything is beautiful and works perfectly, but only if you follow the rules.

What about the app store?

A play store on Android is an open market, while app store Apple is more controlling.

Therefore, ensuring a safer experience, but with less freedom.

Ultimately, choosing between android It is iOS It's like deciding between a party full of options or a well-tidy house, each with its own peculiar charm.

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Then there are those who prefer iPhones, and of course, those who do better with android.

It is common to find people who fall in the middle.

In that sense, enjoying all the freedom that Android gives us, but they end up finding the look of iOS more beautiful.

Discover now some apps that allow you to leave your android equal to iphone.

One Launcher

O One Launcher is very popular among startup applications for android.

Imagine upgrading the look of your cell phone quickly and easily?

That's what the One Launcher he does!

It transforms the standard look of Android, giving it a touch of elegance and functionality.

With customizable themes, stylish icons and a super intuitive feel, One Launcher Leaves your cell phone with that breathtaking look.

In other words, the user can leave it very similar to the iOS.

It's like giving your phone a slap on the style, leaving it turbocharged and ready to impress.

i Launcher OS

Another option we have to make your Android look like iOS is i Launcher OS.

Deixar o Android igual o iPhone? Descubra como
Leave Android like the iPhone? Find out how

It has many customization options.

For example, wallpapers, you can move apps however you prefer and also create folders.

Flui Icon Pack

O Flui Icon Pack is one of the best icon packs today.

This app gives your cell phone an out-of-this-world style.

Therefore, replacing the standard icons with minimalist and super stylish works of art.

Bringing more than 800 different icons inspired by iOS design.

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With a vast collection of icons, Flui Icon Pack turns your phone screen into a personalized art gallery.

If you like personalization and want a touch of elegance on your phone, this app is the right choice.


O Setapp It's like having the key to app paradise.

Think of a VIP club, but for your Mac.

You pay once and have access to a huge library of premium apps, without having to shell out any more money.

You download, use and abuse apps for productivity, creativity and more, without worrying about additional purchases.

O Setapp It's practically a free pass to the enchanted world of quality applications.

Download links: Android-iOS

One Launcher

i Launcher OS

Flui Icon Pack