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WhatsApp status for selected contacts!

Did you know that you can now share your statuses with just a few friends?
If the answer is no, stay with us and we will explain everything step by step to do this easily using the privacy features of the messenger itself.

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O Whatsapp It’s like the “stick” of our lives nowadays, right?
Launched for users of iphone (iOS) in November 2009 and for android only in August 2010.

Thus, it already has nothing more, nothing less than 2 billion of people using it monthly.
As a result, it is already among the most popular social networks in the world.

Due to this great popularity, the Facebook bought the company in 2014 for US1TP4Q19 billion.
That is, more than 12 times its value in the previous year.

Becoming that app that we don't even realize how much we depend on until we stop and think.
First, it's our easiest and fastest way to connect with friends and family.

Whether with text messages, voice calls or even video calls.
Furthermore, the Whatsapp is the number one tool for work communication, especially in times of home office.

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It's where we exchange messages with colleagues, share important files and even hold virtual meetings.
We also stay up to date with the news, with discussion groups and last-minute notifications.

And of course, the ease of sharing photos, videos and status updates means we are always up to date with other people's lives.

How to post WhatsApp statuses to selected contacts only?

Let's quickly explain how you can post status only for your closest friends at the Whatsapp!
It's a smart tip for when you want to share something special with those who really matter.

Status do WhatsApp somente para contatos selecionados.
WhatsApp status for selected contacts only.

Firstly, open the Whatsapp on your cell phone and go to the tab “Status”.
At the top, you will see an icon “My status”, tap it.

Now, take a photo or record a cool video, or even select a photo from your gallery.
Once you do this, you will see a contact list icon at the bottom of the screen.
That's where the magic happens!

Tap the list of contacts and you can choose who will see your current status.
Tag the friends you want to see and untag the ones you shouldn't.
That simple!

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Learn how to record videos with screen off.

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Then, all you have to do is press the send button and that's it, your status will only be shared with those chosen. Cool huh?
It's a great way to keep things more private or share something personal with those closest to you.

Now you know how to do this, so go ahead and share your special moments with those you love most!

Download link:

WhatsApp Messenger – Apps on Google Play

Finally, the messenger is a help in our busy lives and helps us stay connected, whether personally or professionally.

It's practically our personal communication assistant.