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What information do we have about it? UFO found in USA?, check out this publication for the latest updates.

Last weekend, three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were torn down while wandering through the sky Canada y U.S.

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By chance, he triggered a warning from world authorities.

Concerns about possible unmanned aircraft of the Chinese government.

Información sobre OVNI encontrado en EUA.
Information about UFO found in USA.

The Beijing government has not yet confirmed anything, only that similar objects have also been knocked down in Chinese territories.

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American officials tirelessly investigate the episodes, but there are still few answers.

What do you know now?

Last Sunday(12) the Army of United StatesAn object fell from a great height into Lake Huron, located on the border with Canada.

According to the Pentagon, this was the fourth UFO shot down by the government of the U.S in less than 10 days, when they were seen flying over their territory or Canada.

The first case was Carolina del Sur the 4th of February of this year.

From the beginning (10) washington has stopped falling from the most flying objects, one on Alaska and the other Saturday (11) about Canada.

Información sobre OVNI encontrado en EUA.
Information about UFO found in USA.

The government of them United StatesIt was reported that the first object toppled in the fourth day had been a globe, which formed part of a large fleet of devices that Beijing had sent to 40 countries for the purpose of espionage.

But American officials said that the object that had been overturned on Sunday had been tracked for almost a full day and did not look like the supposed Chinese globe, destroyed along the Atlantic coast.

The head of the United States Northern Command, General Glen VanHerck, said that after sending inspection planes to the last object, the Armed Forces concluded that there was no accusation of threats, as well as previously captured objects.

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