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If you want to give your home a makeover, don't worry, find the app that allows you to simulate paint colors on the wall.

Especially for the most indecisive, when we go to renovate the house and leave it with a new face, it always generates doubts about “which color to use?”.

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So, if you give this house pensioner I'm on your list of pending tasks for the new year, an application for simulate paint colors on the wall it's essential.

Fortunately, with technological advances this is even possible.

It will help you choose the ideal color to match this type of environment and wear it with your face.

In this article, we list some application options for simulate wall paint colors most used these days.


Among the most popular this one Suvinyl, being a big, world-famous German brand, is successful mainly in Brazil.

So, recently an app was launched that can simulate numerous different colors on the walls of your home.

Using it, you can try more than 1,900 color options, which are more intense and vibrant.

App que permite simular colores de pintura en la pared.
App that allows you to simulate painting colors on the wall.

The tones can be filtered by color and inject more comfort and energy into this chosen environment.

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Available in the company's catalog in its range of digital colors and the user can be inspired by the biggest trends of the year.

Therefore, it is impossible not to find the color that best suits you and your family.

The simulation can be carried out via the official Suvinil website, or via mobile device.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

Paint Tester

Another well-used option is the application that offers numerous color solutions to create your color simulation on the wall.

To use it is quite simple, simply click on the walls you want to modify and edit the image within the application menu.

According to the chosen colors, the tool itself provides links to stores that have the colors that best adapt to the environment.

In this sense, there is no error, and the user will not have doubts about the chosen color.

Very well rated among its users with 4.2 out of 5 stars.

Easily located in the Google Play Store and App Store application stores.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

Paint my room

Using technology, simply point the camera from your mobile device at the wall you want to renew and try all the colors available in the application palette.

Offering the experience of viewing color on a real wall, you can see it from your bedroom, workshop, bathroom, kitchen, balcony, among others.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

ColorSnap Viewer

Having the ability to simulate various colors for the wall, in addition, images can be edited via the app and saved on your social networks, email or mobile gallery.

This way, it helps when buying the painting.

The user will be able to choose their favorite color within the stipulated palette and also mix tones and colors.

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Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).