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To start, if you are skilled and enjoy the arts, Colorless It's an application that can help you express your skills as a painter.

And guarantee your fun just by using the screen of your mobile device.

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Aimed at coloring in a practical and quick way, without causing significant pain on the muñecas, filling a certain area with the chosen color in a single click.

Having knowledge of colors and an infinite number of illustrations, always updated so that no one misses the opportunity to express your pictorial art.

It contains a simple interface, which provides access that does not require a professional artist to use it.

For those interested in joining this branch of artistic space, the application is interesting because it launches color combinations so that you obtain more knowledge.

Además, Colorless It can be used by children, who can spend some time showing all their skill and creativity.

InColor and its functions

With the interactive function, the user choice application is part of a community that can obtain more information about art together.

Having the option to share your work done, it is possible to find them on first access, with simple designs to adapt to all available functions, or try out some more elaborate ones, such as Personas, Pájaros or Flores.

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At first, you can focus on coloring, thanks to the large square that the app offers, giving you a better perception of colors.

After this, the user can reach higher levels.

Expresa tus habilidades como pintor con InColor.
Express your skills as a painter with InColor.

When you enter the tool, you will see that it has several functions, such as the library which is the main section because the books you are looking for will all be there.

On the creative side, the person has total freedom to take risks and show all their creativity by importing any illustration, freely drawing, creating pixel arts or a mandala for example.

Furthermore, in the “My Work” function you will see that this is where your color creations are stored, allowing you to choose among your favorite works and allowing people to recognize you by exploring this special section of yours.

This way, in the “Inspiración” community, you can visit and discover works by other users who also have love for this art.

By selecting your favorite users every time you upload something new, you will have the option of motivating them by helping them in a very special way in your work.

It also allows you to send messages in the application, this way you will have contact with other creators, being able to exchange ideas and experiences.

available for android It is iOS.

Coloring menu

As soon as you choose the design that will color, the application will give you some characteristics.

Several options will be shown in the menu.

For example, Mis Palettes, Linear Degradation, Radical Degradation and Textures.

You will see that each one of them will show color by tone, deciphering the effects that exist in the illustration.

Depending on what you want to do, you can add texture, depth or dynamism.

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After that, choose between the different options of your brush, such as “paint pool” which fills the space instantly, “Eraser” to make necessary corrections, the even “marker” to paint smaller areas, with a softened effect, emulating the highlighter on the shelf.