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Take advantage of technological advances to issue your driving license digital quickly and easily.

Application available and developed for users of the operating system android yiPhone (iOS), CDMX is the launch of the Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública de la Ciudad de México (ADIP).

Its main objective is to bring together the various mobile functions and give you access to these options, all on a single platform.

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Posse several execution options and “Modules”, such as how to carry out documentation procedures,4
until you see the time forecast for the next few hours and days.

Therefore, one of these services that the app presents is the license or driving license, currently in its digital version.

Continue with this post, we will show you how to do it using this application.

Learn how to issue your digital driving license

Once you have access to the CDMX application you will see that you will be presented with several options to do with you driving license.

For example, type A license options in its traditional Physics version, Expedition, renewal, reposition, license for minors, among other options.

Emite tu licencia de conducir digital con CDMX-Learn How.
Issue your digital driving license with CDMX-Learn How.

These same options are available for type B licenses.

Everything is from the comfort of your home, through the app.

An important thing to know is that this digital license has the same validation as the physical version.

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Install the application and access all your information wherever you want it and whenever you need it.

Once this is done, you will need to create a login to create your record.

You will find the “Configuration” option (which has an engine design), which is located at the top right.

In this place data such as CURP, telephone number and email address will be registered.

To obtain this driving license There is no cost to digital, as these documents have no cost assigned by the Mexican Government.

The only documents that will require you on the app are the license number and the CURP, without your hand and letter.

However, they cannot be requested by people who are designing this theme for the first time.

Because this process is carried out alone when it comes to a renovation.

Step by step

With the CDMX app downloaded and your profile open, the user will be able to select the “CDMX Card” option.

Luego, simply select the “Add credential” and “Driving license“.

You will see that CURP will appear on the screen of your mobile device, confirm that it is correct.

Yes, you can update in the “Profile Configuration” section.

Now, if the CURP is correct, you can enter your license number.

This is the number, without letters, that is seen on the physical plastic document.

Finally, this document will be automatically generated by the digital tool.

The user will be able to access it through the CDMX Digital Monedero Application.

Other CDMX functions

Unified Citizen Care System *0311 – to be able to make any suggestion.

My Safe City – Session created to prevent insecurity levels from continuing to increase in the city.

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Infractions - Access your scanned personal documents on the CDMX app.