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Know the best applications to make you curriculum on the free mobile to help you find a job.

Currently, if you visit a store of applications, you will find a sinfín of types to carry out different functions, thanks to the advance of technology we can do wonders through the mobile.

So in this way creating your CV is among them, making life much easier for those looking for work.

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Choose your app and create your CV to get a good job.


It has never been so easy to do one curriculum professional, with the help of CV you will have the guarantee of an ideal CV.

For that, you just need to choose between the different models available the one that you like the most, put your data and list.

The user has the option to choose between changing color, placing your photo or downloading it with a click directly in pdf format.

Designed by a team specialized in personal hiring, with the idea of creating a single tool, with free access for all those who are looking to create their CV.

Contains a very intuitive interface, suitable for beginners in the technological world not to have any kind of difficulty in creating their CV.

Available for users of the Android system, it can be found easily in the store Google Play store.

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After downloading the application you will find a practical and easy panel, the first step is to choose your photo and then fill in all the personal data that will be asked of you.

For example, name, surname, address, age, telephone number, city where you live and other contact information.

Soon after, the user will have to add professional information, including his level of education, the skills he has, the work experiences and the languages he masters.

The platform will indicate several different types and lists, choose your sections to add or delete and it will be ready to download.

If it's easier for you, CV have a website that can be accessed through the computer.

Curriculum Application

To take your curriculum a job interview, with the help of Curriculum Application, you can have a professional result.

Thus creating a beautiful impression in PDF format.

Haz tu currículum en el móvil con las aplicaciones gratuitas
Make your resume on the mobile with free applications

The application has a very easy interface, I can create your own curriculum quickly and easily, without complications and the best of all, without watermark.

To be able to create a letter of introduction, the app is free, but it has a paid version to use it with more options and without ads.

To obtain access to the application, simply download it and complete all the data.

After that, users will tend to access a wide variety of different styles and layouts.

Simply choose the best among them, and possibly change the colors, the sources, all according to what you need.

So with the model chosen, put all the information needed to complete the CV, making it possible to add logos of companies where you worked or places where you studied.

Once listed, you can download it in PDF format in a few seconds.

Available for system users android.


To quickly prepare your curriculum, canvas is among the most famous applications for this.

With intuitive soft clothing, easy and fun to use.

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Different templates between colors, fonts or images so that users can choose from the 8000 free templates and also create ads for social networks, electronic book portals, among other things.

Easy to find in Google Play store.