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Of course, for one auto sale and purchase, we always look for the best options due to the importance of protecting yourself in all possible and imaginary ways.

In this way, you can have peace of mind at the time of the operation.

We know that the internet is a tool that has revolutionized almost all of our activities, especially those centered on the economy.

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For this reason, we always find it there, which we can't find in stores, markets or anywhere else.

It contains numerous platforms related to the purchase and sale, whatever the item is, through the Internet it is almost sure that you will find it.

Likewise, if you need to get rid of something and receive money for them, the platforms also offer this sales option.

Among so many options that are offered in this giant world of internet purchases and sales, we have the Coaches category.

Especially in Mexico, this category generates the greatest demand and one of the strongest economic activities.

In this sense, the coaches are published in advertisements for purchases and sales directly on social networks.

Once you make it public to friends and family, the desire is to find an item in private or a buyer.

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But today, sites and applications specialized in this type of thing have appeared.

And we are here to present you with a special and widely used application because it is safe and fast, which contains the best revisions on the market, kavak.

How did Kavak come about?

A company with little more than 5 years of existence, becoming a leader in this specific area.

Its history began in 2014 when one of its founders Carlos García decided to move from Venezuela to Mexico.

With all this travel, it turned out to be difficult to sell on your own automobile at a fair price.

¿Venta y compra de auto a través de Internet? Vea más.
Selling and buying a car over the Internet? See more.

Along with other allies in 2016, in the fully online process he started his adventure with a Jetta 2014 model.

After that, there was only growth, achieving that both customers and investors became the first start-up in Mexico to be considered the company with a valuation of 1,000 million dollars, without listing on the stock exchange, only through private investments and income.

How to use Kavak?

Ya sea to buy or sell you vehicle, registering on this platform is simple.

For that, you can download the application available for users of the system android O iphone (iOS).

Simply complete the registration to enable an account, with name, mobile phone and email address to receive the quotes from vehicle.

After completing the registration, the application requests all the information about it automobile who wants to receive an offer.

For example, year, model, version, color, mileage, state plates, postal code and the number of owners who have already owned the vehicle.

Luego, from then on you will receive a presumption of kavak, if accepted, the platform carries out an inspection in which more than 240 different aspects are analysed.

Both mechanically and legally.

An important data is that he kavak purchase coaches models 2010 in advance, and with less than 110.00 kilometers travelled.

In the same way the purchase process is also very simple, visit the website or the app and check out the available cars, filters are used to facilitate your search between model, color, value range, brand, model, transmission between other things.

Once you find the car you want, you can make an item that is 100% refundable and valid for 7 days to finalize your purchase.

The pide quotes to analyze the vehicle.

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The tool still has the advantage of financing your purchase, simply follow all the step by step provided within the platform.