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Know a little more about him dental appliance simulator by cell phone.

Hay innumerables dental problemsOnly an individual can develop the birth control.

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In the past, access to dentists was very difficult, especially for people with low income, which is why many lost their teeth.

Currently, thanks to the advancement of science and medicine, there is access to them orthodontics devices if there is much more speed.

There orthodontics This is the specialty in charge of correcting the misaligned bite, the position of the teeth and the jaw.

People with any of these problems should seek a specialized dentist and follow the treatment suggested by him.

Children from 11 years of age can carry dental devices and the sooner the treatment begins, the faster it will be completed.

Many times we don't know how the device will look, even once placed, how the colors of the gum or other characteristics will be seen.

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I believe in mind, if they created them dental appliance simulators, something that makes life much easier for device users, whether they are fixed or mobile.

Types of Dental Appliances

There are several types of dental devices, each designed to help with a specific problem.

Below we will list some of the options available in the market today:

  1. Fixed Metal Devices: A more conventional and economical way. Made from stainless steel, they require the famous gums to keep the wire in place.
  2. Self-ligating device: It has the same characteristics as the metal, however, it does not need gum, the device supports the wire.
  3. Invisible plates: The invisible plates are the most modern option that exists, but they are practically imperceptible and very aesthetic.
  4. Mobile Device: Suitable for children and teenagers in the development phase.
  5. retention device: used at the end of the treatment to keep your teeth in the correct position.
Simulador de Aparatos Dentales
BraceMate: Dental Apparatus Simulator

BraceMate: Bracket Simulator

With so many options, nothing better than one app that will help you know how at least some of them fall into your mouth.

This is its function BraceMate application that provides realistic images of patients with brackets and offers you numerous options to personalize them.

It is application It is useful both for those who are using the device and for new patients who still can't use it.

Al open it application, the user is faced with a realistic smile that has a fixed metal device installed.

The menu BraceMate provides information on the correct cleaning of the apparatus and also, in the option of “emergencies”, possible problems that the patient may encounter during treatment.

There application It counts on an infinite number of colors, which the user can select and apply to the device arranged in the screen's smile.

The patient can create several combinations, use a solo color, several, interlaced, etc.

The best thing is that the design carried out by the person can be shared with the dentist responsible for the treatment.

In this way, the day of maintenance will know how the patient who shines device.

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There application it is very complete and easy to use and only available for telephones android.

So, if you are thinking about starting treatment, do you use brackets, you have this tool and there is an explosion of colors in your mouth.