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If you are in a public place and want to find wifi networks free, there are already apps to help you in this quest.

On many occasions, the 3G and 4G networks defraud us and, in general, when we need them the most.

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In these bad times it is never necessary to have access to a network WiFi, however, we always find one available for free.

For that reason, we have separated some applications that allow you to find wifi networks public or with shared passwords.

In this way, you can always stay connected, especially when the Internet signal of your cell phone is weak.

In addition, it still manages to get rid of the trouble of looking for a free Internet network; see more.

wifi finder

The first on the list is the Buscador de WiFi, which allows the user to locate wifi networksi for free or in public places.

In this way, when accessing the application, it shows which networks are free, public, paid and also which have the best signal.

If you find a paid network and know the password, you can also enter this information in the application, so that other people can connect.

Available for free for Android and iOS.

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Mandic Magic

This application can also be used to find a network WiFi, without embargo, aún le dice the password of the private networks.

In this sense, the application works basically as a social network, where users register and share information.

For example, if you are in a public place, like a restaurant, and you connect to the network WiFi, you can enter the password directly into the application.

Conoce qué apps encuentran redes Wi-Fi gratuitas
Discover which applications find free Wi-Fi networks

In this way, when other people are in the same place, they will not have to ask for the password.

Available for free for Android and iOS.

free zone

Next on the list is Free Zone, which in addition to the cell phone, can also be used on notebooks.

It's up to you, you can take your laptop to the desired location and access the service's website to search wifi networks surroundings.

List the places with the biggest network signal WiFi and it even automatically connects to them, you don't have to do anything, just wait.

Available for Android, iOS and Windows.


Wiffinity is available to users all over the world and allows you to find public and free networks anywhere.

In this sense, the application shows a map where the user can see all the internet access points available in the surroundings.

To do this, simply click on the button Free WiFi Near Me and it will show which red is closer to usted.

Available for free for Android and iOS.


Finally, Instabrigde can be located wifi networks about usted, inform the location and also the speed of the internet signal.

Not to mention that the application is easy to use and has an intuitive interface, so the user does not need a tutorial to learn how to access it.

Despite the name, the application has nothing to do with Instagram.

Read also:

Applications to accompany the embarrassment.

How to do an embarrassment test on your cell phone.

Available free of charge for android It is iOS.

Now it's much easier to find wifi networks public and free services around us when 4G lets you down when you need it most.