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Since a long time ago applications what a dejan your photos as animated drawing se han hecho very popular. 

So, much has been developed applications more and more perfect than Maybe your photos actually look like Disney cartoons

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So you will be able share your photos with this effect on social networks, and you can also print them and put them in boxes in your home. 

Wanting a touch fun and painterly, which will surprise everyone who comes to you visit

Now, I give them to you three best apps so that you can download and enjoy convert your photos into caricatures. 

Top 3 apps to convert your photos 

1- Cartoon App 

This application is quite simple and easy to use, you just have to take a selfie and choose it filter what you want. 

You can choose from oil paintings, cunts, linens, animated drawings, and cartoon effects

And in a few seconds your photo will be listed and in high resolution

Transforma la foto en un dibujo.
photos as animated sketch

You will be able convert your photo into a work of art with a simple click! 

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It's one of the apps that's bad comments positives have Google, precisely because it is so simple and so good. 

2- ToonApp

You are one of mine applications favorites, because it really effect is so real, which appears to have been carried out by a artist

One sees that you rostrum is caricatured you can choose between several filters How would you like to present your photo? 

You can use your face in its drawing Wonderful Woman or perhaps in el de paper house

But if you are bad classic, you can keep your original background Photograph

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Application simulates hair cutting.

Watch soap operas on your cell phone.

And after that, it's just share with your friends on social networks. 

This application only offers you 3 days free, and then you have to pay the monthly fee. That's why you have to be careful. 

It is also highly rated by its users. 

3- ToonMe – Photos as animated drawings

it is application It has caused a lot of talk on social networks, due to the filters it has. 

After uploading your photo or taking it yourself selfie, you can become a character Disney Pixar. 

And if you're not a huge Disney fanatic, you can also post your Disney-style photos. The Simpsons, our favorite yellow characters. 

Best of all, it's that on the ground your face changes, it also does it with them. full body photos. 

So you won't have to crop your favorite photo. You will transform it in whatever way you like best. 

They have a paid version, but there are no day limits in the free version, so you don't have to worry. 

Además con la free version you will be able to enjoy and have fun mucho con tus photos. 

Don't waste more time and download one of these applications so that you can try out how you would look better. 

Like a version of Disney, or with an oil painting, or like a character from the Simpsons. 

And it's most important of all, Don't forget to share it on your social networks!