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Create online store, we know that currently, the Internet has become one of the most important tools for countless occasions and online sales website.

Including Disclosure, being her from clothing, shoe, foods etc.

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At first glance, have you ever thought about creating your own online store, and promote your products directly from your home?.

At the same time as disclose can conquer the visibility of target Audience.

In the same way that the platforms in Marketplaces (Free market, Submarine, OLX etc.).

And what has been widely used are the Social media as: Instagram, Facebook or even the Whatsapp.

However, for people who wish to have their own online store It is manage your own business.

Doing this with ease, having the opportunity in present your brand.

For sure, create your Online Store and the option right thing to do at the moment.

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As well as, through it you can have control over requests, shipping of parts, and manage all treated value.

Let's learn how to create an online store?

First of all, you need to choose the correct niche to the create your online store.

In others words, analyzing O Marketplace and knowing sure which segment you want to follow.

For example: clothes, electronics, shoes, leisure and etc.

We currently have a fan big of possibilities for create a sales website.

It's that segment he comes growing more and more every day retail so much Brazilian, as worldwide.

Criar loja virtual.
Create virtual store.

Therefore, for Open your e-commerce, it is recommended that you formalize it opening a CNPJ.

That we have several options for register offered by itself IRS.

Also read also:

How to make an Income Tax refund.

Free Veterinary Course.

So that you have no doubts, youtube There are several explanatory steps on how to do this.

In this sense, we know that the work without legalization constitutes costs minors.

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting that the income as Physical person can generate a taxation of up to 27.5% of your invoicing.

AND important do this procedure for to guarantee which will be within the “legal obligations”.

For example, in issuance of the Tax Invoice.

What are the most used niches at the moment?

  • Clothes It is shoes, both new and used, have a large space.
  • Items fashion, hygiene, beauty It is decoration.
  • Foods alternatives, are also on the rise, for those people who have some type of intolerance, being she Lactose, Gluten and etc.
  • Products in pet, has also been growing a lot in recent times, even though it is not a new branch, services for dogs It is cats are being used a lot.
  • Cosmetics: always had a great previewAfter all, we all like to take care of ourselves, right? even the products have been gaining highlight of the men's wing also.

In this sense, data from “Webshoppers Report”, show us that: Cosmetics, Accessories It is Decoration reached the highest volumes of orders, between 15% and 14.5%.

Furthermore, we have to have some considerations as: "What can I bring back?“, or “would people pay for this?”.

It is worth remembering the maintenance from the merchandise, especially being him, food.

This being the case, it generates a demand for fast delivery It is extreme care.

Likewise, it's not enough for you alone to like of what it does.

You also have to know manage your business, so as not to generate any type of financial problem future.

Knowing this, don't waste any more time, and let's go to disclose your product, and see right now how create sales website.