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He wants search for effects on instagram but don't know where to find it? Let's help you.

Posting photos of moments we live, be it a trip, meetings with friends and family is increasingly common these days.

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And posting photos with filters and effects on Instagram stories has become a common practice among users.

Some effects allow you to apply makeup to photos, while others have the option of changing the background, applying masks, etc.

The user can also add accessories such as earrings, glasses, hats, among others. 

That is, there are a multitude of filters and effects available to make your photos different and even funny.

Effects are updated daily in the app's gallery and made available to users.

As you may know, Instagram is a social network that allows you to share photos and videos with your followers.

This is possible on the profile or stories.

You can also find your favorite artists and follow them on the social network, following their daily lives and posts.

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The app made the effects and filters feature available in mid-2019, and since then, the list has only grown.

This new feature has won over users and makes taking photos even more fun. 

However, many users are unaware of this option, as it is located in a “hidden” area of the app.

Furthermore, it is not necessary to download any other type of application to access this function.

to help you search for effects on instagram, follow the step by step below.

How to fetch different effects on Instagram?

As we mentioned above, this option is a little hidden, so some users have difficulty finding it.

However, following this simple tutorial that we've prepared below, you'll be able to search for and apply the desired effects to your photos.

Also read also:

How to put a background photo on Instagram Stories.

How to use WhatsApp on multiple devices.

First, you need to check if your Instagram is updated to the latest version.

To do this, just access the Google Play Store or App Store from your smartphone.

If it is not updated and has an update available, just click and wait for it to finish.

Soon after, open the social network and click on the icon to add a new story.

Before taking the photo or recording the video, click on the face icon located at the top.

Melhores efeitos do Instagram.
Best Instagram Effects.

Access the effects section, located at the bottom of the screen.

When opening this option, click on the down arrow.

When accessing the new window, click on the option “search for effects”.

Then search for the effect you want. 

It is possible to notice that the effects are separated by categories, such as “selfies”, “love”, “color and light”, “friendship”, among others.

That way, it's easier to find a desired effect without wasting too much time.

Now, after choosing the desired effect, click on “try it”. 

Then take the photo or record the video with the effect applied. 

To finish, just share the result normally in your story.

And if you liked the filter, you can leave it saved on your Instagram.

To do this, just click on the option “saved on camera” and you will be able to access it from the app's list of effects.

Now that you know how search effects on instagram, You can now start posting your new photos.