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know how save passwords on mobile with the apps available for this functionality, so you don't need to take notes anymore.

Currently there are several applications available to manage and save your passwords on your cell phone.

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There are free and paid options, just choose the one that best suits your needs to keep your accounts safe.

These apps are a solution for people who always need to click the “I forgot my password” button. 

From accessing the Internet Bank, passing through social networks, emails, among others, it is always necessary to have a password.

Most of the accounts we create require registration, however, each of them requires a different type of password.

Therefore, using a single password for all your accounts becomes risky. 

In this sense, it becomes much easier to detect and access all your information.

Each new password created requires a different encryption.

The most common among them is alternating uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

Because of this, instead of having to remember several different passwords, just use the apps to save your passwords.

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Password managers can also be used to store other important information.

The vast majority are available for download for Android and iOS (iPhone).

That said, we have listed below some options for you to know and choose the one that best meets your needs.

Last Pass

This app stands out as one of the best on the market and is among the most downloaded for cell phones.

Another interesting point is that it has an extension that allows you to save your pc passwords as well.

You can organize your passwords according to the purpose of each one, in addition to keeping them safe.

For example, you can create folders to manage passwords for registrations in stores, social networks, internet banking, among others.

In addition, you can also create important notes privately.

That is, the information can only be accessed through the app's vault.

You will also be able to save your credit card information, so for each online purchase, just select the desired card.

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However, it is important to know that all these features are optional.

LastPass is available for Android or iOS (iPhone).

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Manage passwords!


Similar to LastPass, 1Password is one of the password saving apps that allows access with a master password. 

The user is also able to save the password at the time it was generated and manage the information later. 

1Password also informs the user of the sites that had their registration data stolen recently. 

The application can also be used on computers and downloaded on Android and iOS (iPhone) systems.

Keeper Password Manager

With Keeper Password Manager, in addition to passwords, you can safely store documents, photos and files. 

That is, you can password protect the most important data.

Just like LastPass, you can also organize your passwords into folders.

The app also has a random password generator.

The only difference from other password saving apps is that it doesn't use a master password for access.

In this case, access is granted by the iPhone's TouchID.

Therefore, the app is only available for iOS system users (iPhone).

Many people already know, but it is always important to create a system of strong passwords.

That is, the chosen code must have different characters, so it is more difficult to invade your data. And then? Have you already chosen the app for save your passwords?