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Do you like browsing social media and enjoy the creative photos and memes that are popular? see how to make a caricature online

Currently, there are several websites and applications where you can create Online caricature for free? 

After all, through them, you can transform your photos and those of your friends,

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Creating fun and different images

In other words, a caricature is a drawing created based on real photos of people,

as some characteristics of the person drawn are highlighted in an exaggerated way.

Thus, among the highlighted characteristics,

We find a wider mouth, big ears, a pointed nose, a wide forehead and small eyes, among others.

Therefore, this occurs on purpose,

Giving the character's image a humorous and fun look. 

Currently, caricatures are popular on the internet,

It is possible to find caricatures of several famous people.

What is the Online caricature?

Initially the drawings are created,

Always inspired by the most striking characteristics of the person,

In other words, nothing is invented or created on the spot. 

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That's why caricatures have been so successful,

Furthermore, it is common to find people on the street offering this service and even at events. 

This is a great way to entertain guests at a wedding,

In addition, graduations, birthdays and even company parties,

It's a cool souvenir to take home.

After all, with the advancement of technology,

It is now possible to make free caricatures online,

There are several websites and applications that allow this action.

Learning to create caricature online 

Firstly to create your caricature on cell phone It's very easy and simple,

This way, just choose an app available for this and do the download on your smartphone.  

After that, we'll list some websites and apps where you can have fun making caricatures: 

Caricature Me

After all, one of apps best known in the category of creating caricatures,

O Caricature Me has been successful among users.

Furthermore, the platform allows you to create funny and fun montages,

That is, with your photos or photos of a friend or even a famous person

At first, just select an image from your cell phone's gallery and create the caricature.

Therefore the app is available for download only for the system iOS (iPhone).


MomentCam is another app famous person who converts photos into caricatures easily and simply

At first, just select the desired image from the gallery on your cell phone,

You can also take a photo instantly using the app's camera.

Right after selecting the desired photo,

Therefore, use the tools available,

To highlight the characteristics of the image and create your caricature online

Currently the MomentCam app has versions available for Android and iOS (iPhone).

Flash Face

Through Flash Face you can create your online caricature free of charge,

Caricatura online.
Online caricature.

In other words, using a Flash program

This way you can apply changes to your hair, eyes, mouth, nose and even your beard. 

Additionally, you can share the results obtained in your social media also

However, to create your caricatures,

Also read also:

How to turn photo into drawing.

How to get a free perfume sample.

In the same way as above, just download the application,

Because the same is available for Android and iOS (iPhone)

Once you finish downloading the app,

just register and start using the app to create your Online Caricatures.

Additionally, you can also create your caricatures directly through your computer's browser,

In other words, some websites allow this action, including Build Your Wild Self and the Photo Effects

This way, your caricature is now ready and you can share it with your friends.