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O curriculum It is a great and important tool for anyone looking for a job.

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The document is the first contact between employer and candidate, as companies often request the CV to be sent online for a first analysis.

It is extremely important to make a good impression, as it is the worker's calling card. 

And to help you create a perfect CV, there are some tips that are essential, both in relation to the information that must be registered, such as format and language.

Another important point is that the information must be organized, as a well-organized resume stands out in the company that is offering the position.

Due to the social distancing imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, presenting your CV has become even more important.

As in-person interviews have moved online, job vacancies are made available online, through apps and websites. 

In this article, we will give you some tips on how to improve your CV and how to do well in a job interview.

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Tips to improve your resume

Having a perfect resume can be what will determine whether the candidate will get the available position.

The document is the candidate's main source of information that the employer will have access to at first. 

Based on this principle, we start with personal data: the information must be basic. 

The candidate must only provide their full name, email, telephone number and they can also add their profile on professional social networks, such as Linkedin. 

It is also important to highlight which area the candidate wants to work in, along with academic training data and previous experiences. 

It is important to be succinct and objective in the information, however, the course and institution where you graduated should always be highlighted, in addition to the description of the training. 

Dicas para melhorar seu currículo.
Tips to improve your CV.

Always remember to follow the order for registering information from most recent to oldest.

Ideal language and format

It is necessary to pay attention to this part too, as the format and language used count points on the resume.

Always write clearly and objectively and pay attention to spelling errors, if necessary, use the text correction tools.

As for the format of the resume, the ideal is to keep it simple, do not use formats that differ from the standard.

The CV must be written on A4 size paper, and do not require the use of images, especially your own photo, in the corner of the document. 

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It is important that the information presented in the CV is summarized on a maximum of two sheets.

The stage of previous professional experiences is an important point, being relevant to the company.

Therefore, be careful with the information entered, indicate the company I work for, the position held and also the period you worked at the company.

Don't forget to describe all the activities you performed in the companies you worked for, so that the employer is aware of the activities you master. 

If you have taken a course in the area of IT or languages or have any experience abroad, please also include this in your CV.  

This information is also relevant to the employer and will count points at the time of analysis. 

Taking advantage of the tips to create a perfect CV can be the starting point for getting a new job.